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What blade for my ball end Tech

I started with the Astra, and today changed out to the Personna Platnum...not a good blade for this razor...It left a lit of stubble...I think the Astra did OK...but it could be improved upon.

So what are your experiences with the Techs...Astra, Shark....
that will vary from person to person, razor to razor. just hafta experiment.

also, are you doing multiple passes? the key is to try to reduce the beard in several shots, not take it all off in one pass.

key us into your technique, and maybe someone with more experience can help (more experience than I).
Those Tech's are really mild shavers. I have trouble getting BBS with one at all. I actually like the Personnas, but you may want to try out several blades before making a call.
So far, my favorite blade with a Tech is a Feather. Nice and smooth. I don't think I've tried a Shark in them yet. I have tried a Gillette 7 O'Clock, a Dorco (two kinds), an Astra, a Crystal, a Merkur and the Feather. Of course, what works for one won't nec. work for another. Just have to try combinations.
I agree with Saltysteele. It's a very individual preference. That having been said, the blade that works best for me in my Tech is Super Irridium.
Thanks for the info...I tried a shark in the Tech today...wow what an improvement...the Astra was OK...the Shark is very nice...2full shaves and a 3rd touch up pass...not bad for my beard, that tends to be a little tough. I will keep experimenting...but the Shark is good to go.

I have a Super Speed Taper on the way...so I can compare...as of now the Tech is the only DE I have on hand....

Is there a difference between the Fat Handle Techs and the standards?
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