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What are you not into regarding shave related items?

As a group we're into everything shave related of course but individually what aspects of shaving are you not into?

For me it would be having more than one brush or all the fragrances (soaps, creams) etc. and for some reason I have no interest at all in the concept of the "shavette". I like straights and DE's but shavettes are just not of interest at all for some reason.

Due to all the discussion of fragrances I have used cologne (which I don't wear either) to enhance the smell of Witch Hazel and I ordered essential oils of Sandalwood to experiment with VDH soap but it's just an experiment as I'm fine with the un-enhanced products.

I guess I'd put film for honing into this category as well. It serves a purpose, I like the product for polishing and sanding, and for beginners who may not want to buy stones initially but over the long haul film is just not as relaxing to use IMO. I'm a minimalist regarding the hones however.

How about you? Which aspects of wet shaving, while interesting to read about, just aren't for you?
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Im gonna be honest..my DE gear and blades..using em is better environmentally better than plastic disposables..and I REALLY miss using my straight razors..too much moisture and small vents prevent me from using em...*sigh*
I skip over anything with "pre-oil" in the thread. Not that it doesn't work for folks but I have had several hundred great shaves without. A good soap/cream and water is all I've ever needed for a great shave.
I skip over anything with "pre-oil" in the thread. Not that it doesn't work for folks but I have had several hundred great shaves without. A good soap/cream and water is all I've ever needed for a great shave.

Haha...I forgot that one and yes, I agree regarding pre-oil.
Shaving mug/bowl, brush stand, aftershave lotion.

I don't have a use for these items since I face lather, think the brush stand is superfluous and have to use a balm with my skin type. So these are useless for me although I like to read about them occasionally.
I've dialed in my shave set-up, so I don't get overly enthusiastic over anything shave/AS/fragrance related these days. I've never been a brush guy, I use one, just never had an AD for them. I still get excited and purchase old Gillettes when I find them in the wild for a good price though, along with other vintage shaving products. Luckily, B&B has so many other ADs to get involved with that my interests are never dulled.
-Aftershave Balm, I much prefer aftershave splash. I presently own zero balms.

-Brushes: I own six brushes: 2 badger, 1 horse, 3 boar. None of them are what you would call high end. I have zero attraction to expensive brushes, and honestly don't see the point.

-Shaving Cream: I presently have tubes of C.O. Bigelow, and the new Proraso. I have pretty much settled on shaving soaps for now.

-Massive razor collections: I have 3 DE razors (likely soon to be 2), 3 Injectors, 1 Gem Razor, and a handful of Trac II handles. I have pretty much settled on what I like, and have no great desire to buy more.

-Pre-Shave Oil: I consider it to be pointless, with no useful purpose, and the horrid side effect of gooping up my brushes.

-Scuttles: owned one once. I think it's a grossly over-rated concept.

-Straight Razor Shaving, and Shavettes: I tried to learn this artform, and got a decent amount of scars to prove it. I eventually decided the frustration, and bloodletting wasn't worth it, and sold everything off.
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Hygiene is something I consider a basic necessity, not a hobby. I don't collect all that much shaving stuff. (Maybe a couple of aftershaves, maybe a couple of soaps.)

Now -- fragrances? Straight razors? Clothes, hats, and shoes? I see that being a slippery slope. Excited to start down it...
Here's my list

  • Scuttles - just more clutter around the sink.
  • Brushes - got a good boar, got a good badger, done.
  • Creams and soaps - Proraso sandlewood works pretty well for me. I've got others I've not tried yet so I may find another one I like better but I doubt I'm going to collect a pile of them.

I've got a straight and the associated paraphernalia but I've not tried it yet. If I try it (I'll give it a full trial with multiple shaves) and love it my DE's become superfluous. If I give it a go and hate it my straight becomes superfluous.

I don't mind having variations on things I use but I want to use and enjoy them as opposed to having them for the sake of having them. I'm that way with everything: if I don't use it, it's gone.
Pre-shave oil, because I don't need it. Also, shavettes don't do it for me. In my opinion, if you're going to use a straight, use a straight. If you're going to use a DE/SE, use one. Don't try to hybridize them!
I'm quite happy with Barbasol, Nivea, and some of the other drug store brands. My one exception is Speick AS Balm. It's the most expensive aftershave I own. No interest in expensive aftershaves or colognes.
with the exception of a handful of aftershaves, i don't keep an abundance of anything. i like my brush, my DE, my mug. i'm not into not keeping it simple.
Overcomplications that suck the fun right back out of shaving.

I feel like I'm in a pretty happy spot with the few simple things I have and while I see nothing wrong with stocking up and hoarding things like soaps, blowing too much money on colognes, balms, etc. seems like teetering a little close to the metrosexual side. I also couldn't agree more on the lack of appeal of pre-shaves previously stated by others in the thread.

There's just no need to run around like a scented peacock.

I almost forgot about super lathers, that just seems wasteful. Fun maybe, but wasteful nonetheless.
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