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What are you drinking on St. Patricks Day?

So what's your favorite beverage on St. Patty's day?
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Currenlty working on a 4 pack of Guinness cans and then we have a 6 pack of Brooklyn's Dry Irish Stout my wife got. Should be a fun day especially once the corned beef is done!
If I head into the city, it will be a pint or three of Genius. Otherwise, perhaps just a couple of glasses of Jameson Gold here at home.
I'll have a dram of Redbreast 12... and then some Paddy and Powers to round out the day. :wink2:
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I'll be picking up a Single Malt this afternoon and maybe a few Guiness just for the hell of it. Of course there will be plenty of Pabst in the fridge as well!
My review of Guinness
"Foreign Extra Stout is brewed with generous hops and roasted barley for a bittersweet balance and full-flavored, natural bite. Developed for global export from Ireland, the addition of extra hops ensured this Stout would arrive in perfect condition. Today, it is enjoyed by millions around the world." Brewed in the style of a Foreign/Export Stout.

(Appearance) Pours a robust medium brown head, very foamy with very high staying power. Body color is near pitch black, solid and with no visible carbonation. Lacing is thick and consistent with staying power of its own. Visually, it is far more impressive than Guinness's more commonly available offerings, the head quality and body color is superb in this stout, and visually it's up there with some of the most sought-after imperial stouts. 4.5

(Smell) A robust yet simple aroma. Bready roasted barley malts, creamy caramel candy, a stick of licorice and molasses. It's a bit more herbal than most stouts and there's a definite dark candy pep to it, the licorice is very notable as it warms. Potency is above medium and the balance is pleasant. I really enjoy the aroma of this beer. 4.25

(Taste) Bready caramel and dry chocolate malts follow through to an herbal hop finish with a touch of licorice spiciness. Semi-thick syrup with an imbalance in favor of sweetness with a moist finish. The balance is great and the drinkability is superb despite having a high sweetness. A fantastic flavor that is night and day in terms of flavor from their standard draught. 4.25

(Mouthfeel) A mild stickiness. Mild carbonation, a touch of creaminess and some spice create a general pleasing balance. The body is medium+ for the style and the body is just shy of heavy overall. Alcohol presence is mild, well concealed by the substance in this beer. I can't pick too hard on this beer although I think that a little more creaminess or crispness could do the texture some good, it is overall enjoyable. 3.75

(Overall) You don't have to travel the world or even wait in line for a wristband to get one of the world's most enjoyable stouts. Sometimes it's available even in your grocery store. I have very few gripes with this beer as the balance is great and the flavor is highly drinkable and accessible. One of the biggest things to note is the overall sweetness, which may distract the drinking experience for some, but not for me. This is certainly worth a try. 4.25
Whoever decided to put St. Patrick's Day smack dab in the middle of Lent had a rather cruel sense of humor. Soda and lime for me. :001_huh:
I'm drinking nothing. The drunks in my neighborhood were so out of control by 2pm that it really put me off alcohol for the day.

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