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wetshaving demographics

anyone have any idea what the wetshaver ratio to cartridge shaver ratio might be? would it be something along the lines of 1 wetshaver for every 100 cartridge shavers? I sometimes wonder just how few of us there are in the wetshaving community. on the one hand, the DE community seems to be growing here, on the other hand, I don't know a single person outside of this forum that is into wetshaving. do wetshavers consist mostly of males from the age of 30 onward? are we a dying breed? I find it hard to believe considering the sheer number of shaving products at our disposal like creams, soaps, blades, brushes, etc.
I started right before my 24th birthday because of irritation and cost. I would only get an irritation free shave on the 4th or 5th use of a fusion and it wasn't a particularly close shave, I never went ATG. Only been at it for a bit over 6 months.
I'd venture to say that wet-shaving is not just for the over 30s crowd. From my observation its gaining slight ground in the chique younger crowd as a matter of style and taste.
I'd venture to say that wet-shaving is not just for the over 30s crowd. From my observation its gaining slight ground in the chique younger crowd as a matter of style and taste.

Eh, for me it was cost and skin problems with de's. Cost is what led me down the road first of all though.

As for style and taste... hey I'll take it! :cool:
I think Wetshaving will draw two crowds and continue to expand. I guarantee we significantly lag behind cartridge/electrics.
The crowds

1. Men that are into nostalgia and historical aspects and like doing things a more old fashioned way.
2. Men that have become more aware of taking care of themselves including their skin. This seems to be growing in popularity.

Some think costs but I know only one person that avoids all AD's successfully.
Being in the thirty and over group I made the switch because of cost; however, with that being said I would have done it ten years ago or more if I knew about it. The younger generation is starting to get the idea that it is ok to pamper yourself... :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:actually they are very good at that, but they are starting to do it in terms of shaving.
I'm not sure how many people frequent this site that are my age (just turned 19 this summer) but I just got into wetshaving after stumbling across B&B. Successfully (and by successfully I mean with little bloodshed lol) completed my 2nd wetshave this morning in the community bathroom at my college dorm. Boy do I get some weird looks!
I technically started just before my 30th birthday. Does that count as under 30?

I started because of cost, and nostalgia. I can still remember watching my father shave as a boy. He used a DE all his life. Unfortunately I don't remember anything about the razor other than it was brass/gold and the case had a green (I think) velvet lining. It was stolen from his effects at the nursing home along with his Eagles jacket and probably a few other things.

As for cost, I shave my head and simply could not afford to keeping shelling out $25 a month for 8 carts. The added bonus i Get at least as good a shave usually better, with zero irritation. Every girl I ever worked with offered ideas on how to get rid of the irritation and/or bumps on my neck from shaving. It was bad :eek:. Oddly shaving my head was never a problem though. Go figure, it's all my skin right? I know it wasn't the cream, I still use Headblade Headslick only I mix it with water and a brush, excellent lather and that cooling sensation. Oh yeah.

As for statistics, Merkur or some company has to have some research. if for no other reason than determining market trends for how much supply they should manufacture. Compare they're research with gillette's and schick's should give a rough idea maybe. The July 2008 population est. is 304,059,724. I think it would be closer to every 1000 if not higher.
Hey guys,

I Just started wetshaving a few months ago due mainly to trips to S.E. Asia and realizing how every time I got a straight razor shave by a barber my skin became much clearer, had no irritation, and no ingrown hairs. In Vietnam it seems like most shops only use shave oil though so its nice to experiment with all the quality creams and soaps available here in the states.

Besides I think that there is a lot of praise on the internet now for de and wetshaving so I probably would've stumbled upon it at some point.

I'm 20.
I'm not sure what the ratio would be, but count me in as another person under 30 (I'm 26). I got into wet shaving because I hated shaving with a M3 and the canned goo stuff (when I'd even bother using it) and remembered having a barber shave me with a straight when I went in for a hair cut. I decided to look into it and settled for a DE because I didn't want to invest that much money into a straight.

I don't yet have any children, but when I do and they reach shaving age, I definitely plan on passing on the wet shaving tradition. I wonder how many others are in a similar position or have taken to wet shaving as an adult and passed that on to their children. I wonder if over time this will begin to change the ratio of wet shavers to canned goo/cartridge shavers.
I have always considered wet saving to be a process consisting of an effective pre shave routine, the use of a brush and creams/soaps, and a skin healthy post shave. I prefer to use a DE but I would consider one who used those practices with a cartridge a wet shaver. It is how I thought of myself before making the switch recently to a DE, and if that is the case I would expect more to enjoy the use of those quality products.
I have always considered wet saving to be a process consisting of an effective pre shave routine, the use of a brush and creams/soaps, and a skin healthy post shave. I prefer to use a DE but I would consider one who used those practices with a cartridge a wet shaver. It is how I thought of myself before making the switch recently to a DE, and if that is the case I would expect more to enjoy the use of those quality products.

I agree 100% to me anyone using soaps or creams is a wet shaver it does not to me at least matter what razor they are using straight, DE or cartridge...
i'm 19 and i just started wetshaving with a DE razor and i know i'm at least 1 in 150 cuz im the only guy in the dorms who what shaves....
Yes wet shaving is any soaps or creams, in fact I would consider can goo wetshaving still since you are rinsing the razor off every stroke.

I am sure the majority of the western world is wetshavers by that deffinition.

Cartridge Versus Double Edge, 1000 to 1 probably...
I am the only person I know of out of my group of friends, or any one I know of for that matter, who wet shaves. I'm 23 so I fall under the 30 yr old category.
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