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Wet shaving makes War of Warcraft Insider article!!! :D

I am a confessed world of warcraft geek... With 12 level 85 characters I have put waaaay too much time into it, but lo and behold I found a strangely interesting picture on the main article this morning on wow insider!



VERY COOL!!! Turns out Matt McCurley is a fan of Mantic and wet shaving as well!!

I wonder if he is also on B&B?? :clap:
I have an 85 Warrior on Uther. I play her for two hours about every other day. I'm an officer in the guild (Late Night Raiding Pugs). I only have one character because I don't want two. I've been playing for about 6 years. I play her as Fury and Main Tank.

WOW is the first and last RPG I will ever play. I'm more of a first person shooter person. Tribes Ascend is my main game right now.
I'm a big time gamer..but never touched WoW and never have any intention of ever touching it, lol.

I remember playing a Night Elf at one point in time on a guest pass or something where you could play to level 10 or some such thing. Interesting game but I didn't feel like paying to play it every month. I'm putting my time in on D3 at the moment. And I played D2/D2:LoD like it was my job for a period of time.
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