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Wesley & Scott balm scents

I'm considering their Lavender and Lime scented balms. Can someone describe if the scents are close to authentic or are they artificial smelling?
I'm considering their Lavender and Lime scented balms. Can someone describe if the scents are close to authentic or are they artificial smelling?

I haven't used them for awhile, but I seem to recall the smell pretty true and not synthetic the Lime is my favorite followed by the lavender. The balms are really good. In the summer I don't use balms as much but in the winter I was using the lime almost every day. I didn't care for the peppercorn scented one, or the rose, but that's my personal preference, they all performed the same.
I can't speak to those specifically, but the orange and clove/peppermint are very good.

+1. Have both of these and they're fantastic. I usually can't wear any type of balm in the summer due to the greasy factor. W&S balms are a rare exception--I can actually wear them in triple-digit heat and not get greasy. :thumbup1:
I've not tried the lavender, but W&S Lime is very close to a true lime note. If you've smelled J.M. Fraser's original shaving cream, it's very close to that. I'd recommend it!
Their Lime is just a single note and is very nice. Clove and Peppermint is an incredible combo- very cooling with a hint of spice. It is a fav balm.
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