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Well, you fellers were right.

I just recieved my rooney 1/3 and now know that there is a substantial difference between high end brushes and DIY brushes.I used to think it was all smoke and mirrors.It's all badger hair is there really that much difference?If you look close at picture 4 you can see the little wisps of hair at the tippy tops.None of my custom DIY brushes have that and quite frankly now feel scratchy in comparison.Feeling this new brush has me second guessing whether or not to refurbish my aluminum Rubberset to give as a gift for my son.

My new brush is as follows: Truefitt and Hill stamped Rooney super silver tip style 1 large.Faux horn handle.Knot diameter 1.045", loft 2.070", bloom 2.975", handle height 1.980", girth at lettering 1.575", grip ring diameter 1.300", base diameter 1.575"

"Enough with the babbling. Bring on the pics."
Congrats on finding a brush you're so happy with, but the "little wisps" you describe are in my experience just how badgers break in. So you're most likely seeing the effects of untrimmed hair, which are available for customs (I don't know if the China knots are untrimmed, but they certainly break in to that state, my 16mm finest and 18mm Super have lots of those wisps, but the UK Silvertips (and previously the Supers) are listed as untrimmed).
Thanks fellas.She took her maiden voyage on ogalalla bay rum this evening.That reminds me I need to get my SOTD pic up.
There is a huge difference between DIY and low end brushes let alone high end brushes. The beauty of DIY is you can do it yourself so what it may lack in quality and performance it can often make up in beauty and uniqueness.

That is a nice brush you've got there.
What a great looking brush. I have been looking at the Rooney horn brushes but was undecided. After seeing your brush I think I can say my next brush will be horn.
There is a huge difference between DIY and low end brushes let alone high end brushes. The beauty of DIY is you can do it yourself so what it may lack in quality and performance it can often make up in beauty and uniqueness.

That is a nice brush you've got there.

I agree with you 100%.I was just a little too excited with its arrival.
I agree with you 100%.I was just a little too excited with its arrival.
The Rooney is a beautiful example of the traditional English style 'fanned' knot. I don't think any other manufacturer is making brushes in this style to the same standard. :thumbup1:
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