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Well, I visited a local antiques mall

and bought what I think is a 1960 SS in pretty fair condition. It has a lot of crud on it that I think will clean up.
The mechanics feel solid in that there is no slack when I turn the knob and the gates open and close fully.
This is a fun hobby and I am looking forward to restoring and shaving with it.

I paid an outrageous $2.00 for it.

There was another DE that had no brand. It was made in Germany and looked pretty old. Still had an unmarked blade in it. Maybe I will see if the lady will let me take a picture of it. Kinda pricey at $40.00 but who knows what the final price would be.
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A good cleaning, and that SS should be a fantastic shaver. I was put off by mine at first. After a week of shaving with it, it's one of my favorites. In fact, I bought a couple more of them for my sons to use when they get old enough. That's what I told my wife, anyway.:lol:
Seriously, I did buy a '74 and '76 black handle flare tip SS for my sons. They are a little milder than my 1950s and 1960s flare tips, but they shave great, too. It'll be hard to give them up when my kids are old enough to shave, but that's part of the fun of doing good deeds.
shows as a D 2.

I think this makes it a 1958, yet there seems to be something called a
T.V. model.

How do I go about further identifying this if at all ?

The D date code could mean it's a TV, but if it has horizontal AND vertical lines on the handle, it's not a TV. TV Super Speeds only had vertical lines on the handle.
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