I finally received in the mail a few days ago, a Weber DLC stainless steel razor ordered from here:
This stainless steel razor is a great shaver: heavy handle and a bit more on the aggressive side (~2.5 on my Mergress) as compared to my mild shaving Feather AS-D1 razor, although not nearly as aggressive as my Merkur slant. If you want a high quality razor, not as mild as a Feather, but less than half the price, I highly recommend the Weber stainless steel razor at $70.00.....Each of my 4 razors have their own character, so I really can't say one is better than the other, or that I enjoy and prefer one over the others, however, if you can only afford one really good razor, you can't go wrong with the Weber. The Weber is now in my rotation along side my Feather AS-D1(~$180.00), Mergress (~$115.00) and Merkur Slant (~$42.00) and I rotate them on each Feather blade change.
This stainless steel razor is a great shaver: heavy handle and a bit more on the aggressive side (~2.5 on my Mergress) as compared to my mild shaving Feather AS-D1 razor, although not nearly as aggressive as my Merkur slant. If you want a high quality razor, not as mild as a Feather, but less than half the price, I highly recommend the Weber stainless steel razor at $70.00.....Each of my 4 razors have their own character, so I really can't say one is better than the other, or that I enjoy and prefer one over the others, however, if you can only afford one really good razor, you can't go wrong with the Weber. The Weber is now in my rotation along side my Feather AS-D1(~$180.00), Mergress (~$115.00) and Merkur Slant (~$42.00) and I rotate them on each Feather blade change.