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Web Comics

http://www.dilbert.com Not really a web comic, but you can go back to the beginning and read 'em all for free.


This story showed a LOT of promise, but it hasn't been updated for a couple months so I've about given up on it.
One of my few peeves about web comics. :angry: I can't count the number of web comics I've gotten involved in (I usually like the serial ones), only to have the artist drop it (almost-)completely (can anyone say Alpha-Shade?) or get so tied up in paid work that they don't have time to work on it (I can certainly understand this).

http://www.zapcomic.com Good story.

http://www.achewood.com One of the best, though I haven't kept up with it for a while. "The Great Outdoor Fight" is classic.

I used to like Sinfest too, but dropped it from my list about a year ago. The dog and cat ones, as opposed to the strips with the human characters, in particular, are exceptional.

http://xkcd.com Very nice.

http://thedoghousediaries.com Kind of like xkcd.

There are some others, but I don't recall the names right now (I have them bookmarked at home).
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