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WD Firehouse arrived!

I received my new Whipped Dog Firehouse handle brush yesterday. She's a beauty :001_smile

That brush is beautiful! What kind of knot? Silvertip, Super Silvertip, Super Badger, etc.? Congrats on the nice-looking brush.
The detail on the base of the handle is really superb.

That was one of the first things that struck me when I opened the package. The base is very well executed from an aesthetic perspective in my opinion.

That brush is beautiful! What kind of knot? Silvertip, Super Silvertip, Super Badger, etc.? Congrats on the nice-looking brush.

It's a Whipped Dog silvertip. They offer black pure badger and silvertip with no other grading details. It has no problem easily lathering anything I've put it up against and is quite pleasantly soft, with just an ever so slight hint of scritch.


Unacceptably Lasering Chicken Giblets?
I love WD brushes and yours is incredibly beautiful!
Nice eye, Mr. Bob. Absolutely gorgeous. I've been looking at several of their offerings; gonna have to pull the trigger soon to get over the temptation!
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