A bit of background first. I live in CA, typical housing tract. The water sucks, its hard, full of minerals and chlorine. Your standard west coast city water.
Well just this last week I had to fly to the deep south to attend a family members funeral. Shaved 3 times over the the course of the week. Used the same razor, soap, brush, aftershave I always use. Nothing different.
All I can say is HOW DO I GET SOFT WATER....LIKE NOW!?!?!?!?!
The soft water in the south I researched, isnt treated much. When you shower, after you rinse your skin it feels like soap was still on my skin. For the rest of the day my skin was incredibly soft and healthy. My shaves were incredible for lack of a better word. Super close, no irritation and not a single weeper. Literally the best shaves I have ever had. And the quality of the lather was remarkable. Super fluffy and top notch performance for as many passes as I wanted to go. What I kept remarking at was not having a single weeper, zero irritation, just the opposite of what I am used to. Only variable changed was the water.
Can I use epsom salts? I used to brew a lot of beer, and that calls for softening the water using powdered Gypsum.
Any ideas gents? I will also be researching this more.
I cant install a water softening system in my apartment. I guess I could used distilled, but then it would have to be heated.
Well just this last week I had to fly to the deep south to attend a family members funeral. Shaved 3 times over the the course of the week. Used the same razor, soap, brush, aftershave I always use. Nothing different.
All I can say is HOW DO I GET SOFT WATER....LIKE NOW!?!?!?!?!
The soft water in the south I researched, isnt treated much. When you shower, after you rinse your skin it feels like soap was still on my skin. For the rest of the day my skin was incredibly soft and healthy. My shaves were incredible for lack of a better word. Super close, no irritation and not a single weeper. Literally the best shaves I have ever had. And the quality of the lather was remarkable. Super fluffy and top notch performance for as many passes as I wanted to go. What I kept remarking at was not having a single weeper, zero irritation, just the opposite of what I am used to. Only variable changed was the water.
Can I use epsom salts? I used to brew a lot of beer, and that calls for softening the water using powdered Gypsum.
Any ideas gents? I will also be researching this more.
I cant install a water softening system in my apartment. I guess I could used distilled, but then it would have to be heated.