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Water bottles?

I was hoping that I might ask for your advice on water bottles. It may seem like a very simple topic, however I am looking for one that is to be nearly indestructible. I was told that for my DPW job I should have a water bottle. Seems easy enough, but I am not sure whether it is intended for me to carry around all day (it would seem likely) in which case it would need to be capable of bearing some punishment, and also be able to be hooked onto a belt loop through a carabiner or such. It seems like there are 20 different types nowadays, so I do need some help picking one. A cheap one! I'd prefer it have a completely covered mouth bit, since I will be working around rubbish--last week's-salmon flavoured water does not interest me....

---Any recommendations on flavouring packets too? I hate the taste of water, so some kind of flavouring seems to be a good idea.
The 32oz Nalgene is available all over the place for about $10 and the plastic they use is about as tough as water bottles get. They're super simple, no insulation or anything, but they work well.

Note: One swear word at end of video.

Alright, thanks. I was thinking Nalgene, but I wasn't sure if that was just a fad or something.. I guess not lol... Cheers
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Yeah. I've been using Nalgene bottles of various sizes and shapes for decades now. Definitely not a fad. Great bottles.



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As others have said, Nalgene bottles are amazing.

I've been using them for as long as I can remember.
Look into Kleen Kanteen. I have had one for a few years, it is made of stainless steel so it will take a beating. Trust me on this, mine bounced out of my loader and I accidently ran over it and it only had a few scratches and a couple of dings.


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Kleen Kanteen are the best SS bottles out there if you ask me.

well made, various sizes and colours and interchangeable tops.

we own a couple of them too, and they are very well built. The feature I like more then the Sigg bottles are the lack of the clear ring rubber washer that Sigg uses and gets all gunked up.
Wait... there is more than one suggestion?! Oh bugger, now you are really complicating things.....


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here is my Klean Kanteen

I have a couple of Sigg water bottles. One has a few dents, but they're pretty durable. Some of them look pretty nice too, if thats a priority. I don't go in for flavor packets personally, but you might consider one of those little bottles of lemon juice, a few drops per bottle ought to make your water more interesting.


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The Kleen Kanteens are nice. I have a few. They're prone to the odd ding but are otherwise pretty durable. I wouldn't drive over one with a car.

They're heavier than the Nalgenes, opaque rather than transparent (duh), and tend to hold less volume. If any of those things is a consideration.

I don't recommend the Siggs and others of their ilk, because I've found that the aluminum wears poorly (think soda can). They are stylish, though.
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I have a couple of the nagalene bottles, a camel bak (bottle and bag), i can recommend all of the above. For flavoring, my vote goes to Mio Cherry Blackberry flavoring. Its +/- $4 for a bottle, but i do about one squeeze per liter and it has 24 per bottle, so I guess its not bad value. Then again, I drink about +/- 8 Liters per day, and anything that beats the monotony of plain water is a plus lol.


Unacceptably Lasering Chicken Giblets?
I use a 1 liter CamelBak water bottle everyday at work and at the gym. Also a 3 liter CamelBak. They are awesome and CamelBak's warranty is incredible. Take a look at them.
The Kleen Kanteens are nice. I have a few. They're prone to the odd ding but are otherwise pretty durable. I wouldn't drive over one with a car.

They're heavier than the Nalgenes, opaque rather than transparent (duh), and tend to hold less volume. If any of those things is a consideration.

I don't recommend the Siggs and others of their ilk, because I've found that the aluminum wears poorly (think soda can). They are stylish, though.

Having a car drive over it is not out of the question... bear in mind I will be working around cars, heavy equipment, and the like... now I don't quite expect it to survive a bulldozer, but the occasional soccer mom would would be nice.... that is the distracted soccer mum, not... well... never mind... :drool:
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