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Want to Try Another Boar - 1305 / 1438 / 1460

I got a cheap boar brush as part of a package deal over a year ago. It's branded "Kent" but it is definitely the bottom of the barrel Kent. It's pretty awful. After about 50 uses, it's getting broken in with split ends, but doesn't hold much soap and it doesn't have much release. It doesn't have nearly the density that the better boars seem to have. It doesn't create huge lather but if I use a ton of product, it will generate enough, but won't actually bring any from the bowl to apply. I end up "scooping" the lather with the brush. Not cool.

I have felt some other boar brushes and I think there must be better ones out there and I'm willing to give it a try since there's such a following.

I really like the painted handle Semogues. I like the 1305 handle the most, but I like the bristles of the 1460 (plain) the most. I use a combination of face and bowl lathering, depending on mood - mostly bowl. Soaps mostly, sometimes creams.

Any suggestions on which one would be the best first "good" boar?

I have a 1305 and an 830, and neither can be beat, especially for what they cost. I had a 620 as well, but thought it was too soft/floppy with little backbone. If you like the 1305, but want something a with a little more backbone and a little less splay and like the acrylic handle the 830 is a great brush.
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The Semogue 1250 has the same dimensions as the 1305, but the same hair as the 1460. Although the handle isn't painted on the 1250.

Either brush will serve you very well. It really comes down to what's more important to you, a painted handle, or unbleached bristles?
I have several Semogue brushes, a 610, SOC and 2011 LE Finest Bristle1. I'm happy with all three, and use them more than any badger I own, except maybe my 2010 LE Simpson G3. Of my boars, my favorite is the 610. I almost exclusively face lather soaps, and this is where the 610 shines. It has a short loft and decent backbone, and very soft tips. It makes short work of any soap I throw at it. The hair isn't dyed (my preference), and it has the plastic handle which doesn't have the propensity to chip that the painted wooden handles do. To top it off, it has a $17 price tag. Good luck on whatever you pick.


Here is a link to a 610 in action: http://shavenook.com/thread-video-semogue-610-boar-brush-in-action
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I really like the painted handle Semogues. I like the 1305 handle the most, but I like the bristles of the 1460 (plain) the most. I use a combination of face and bowl lathering, depending on mood - mostly bowl. Soaps mostly, sometimes creams.

Any suggestions on which one would be the best first "good" boar?

I don't think you can go wrong with a Semogue 1305. I just picked up a Semogue 830 and its first break-in test lather was extraordinary so I can recommend that one. The only thing with the 1305 and painted handles is that they can chip easily - the 830 won't as it's acrylic.

If you like the 1305 handle and plain bristles, I know Joseph from ItalianBarber has some limited-edition 1305s being made with "plain" blonde hair and the handle as the colors of the Italian flag.
I don't think you can go wrong with a Semogue 1305. I just picked up a Semogue 830 and its first break-in test lather was extraordinary so I can recommend that one. The only thing with the 1305 and painted handles is that they can chip easily - the 830 won't as it's acrylic.

If you like the 1305 handle and plain bristles, I know Joseph from ItalianBarber has some limited-edition 1305s being made with "plain" blonde hair and the handle as the colors of the Italian flag.

That looks very interesting. You have to be playing close attention when the Semogue LEs get released, as they can go in a hurry.
I have the 1438- it's a great brush, but wouldn't want to use it in a bowl/scuttle as its relatively short.

For both bowl and face lathering the 1800 (not painted handle) represents a great bang for your buck brush.
I'll vote for the 1305. It lathers like crazy with any product you want to put it on and it's a cool looking brush too.
I have a 1305 and an 830, and neither can be beat, especially for what they cost. I had a 620 as well, but thought it was too soft/floppy with little backbone. If you like the 1305, but want something a with a little more backbone and a little less splay and like the acrylic handle the 830 is a great brush.

I too love my 830... I have other more expensive badger brushes but usually find myself picking up the 830... does about everything well and is darn good looking too boot... :thumbup:
I have a 1305 and an 830, and neither can be beat, especially for what they cost. I had a 620 as well, but thought it was too soft/floppy with little backbone. If you like the 1305, but want something a with a little more backbone and a little less splay and like the acrylic handle the 830 is a great brush.

I have the 620 I like it a lot, but I have recently been having impure thoughts about the 830 and find myself having a hard time being faithful to my 620. I might have to own this brush. I am a huge sucker for the clear acrylic handles too.
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