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Walmart Wilkinson Sword

Where can I buy in bulk? They don't get much love but they do leave my face smoother than any blade I have tried. I recently went back to them after shaving with Astra SP, Personna Reds and BICs. Sure my other blades shave great but they can't match how smooth my face feels after shaving with a Wilkie.
Walmart has a website that you can order from. You can also buy in 100 blade lots from places like Lee's Razors. Another option is Razors Direct.
Thanks Mgoldmann I have seen Wilkinson's on several site but not the same package as the one from Walmart. Will take a look at those sites.
The Walmart Wilkinson Swords are one of my favorites! I did buy 5 packs(50 blades) for $10 so I really didn't feel the need to order online.

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