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W&B Restore

Here is my latest restoration run. Its a Wade & Butcher with Chechen scales, 12 coat CA finish, black acrylic wedge and a combination of homemade domed washers (pivot & wedge) and store bought brass washers along with brass pins. This one is also now shave ready!
I want to try my hand at a CA finish but with inquisative kids about I dont want Crazy glue sittin around....Trust me I know why I'm saying it.. My daughter once glued her fingers together when her mom fixed a mug...
Also can you tell us how you domed the washers? I must say that looks first class.. Can you share your knowledge..
Amazing work, very well done..:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
Wow Rob...very nice.

I'm still looking for a W&B to add to my stable. I'd like to get ahold of a meat chopper with a barber's notch.

Yours just added to my desires to have one...:biggrin:
Dave - thanks and watch out those large meat choppers are getting to be very expensive...even in poor condition. It might be easier to find a large Allen or Reynolds.
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