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Voskhod Blade


my brain goes "thonk"
I used a Voskhod blade today and I got a nice smooth shavewith mone nick. This was my first time using one. I first heard of Feather being the end all blade, but I've used Gillette blacks, less nicks and irritation than the feather, next I tried a Derby that I got maybe 10 shaves out of, and now the Voskhod. I think I may never go back to a Feather.
they are a sharp smooth blade and one that deserves a test drive by anyone looking for a smoother shave
Voskhod is an excellent blade for me. If you do a search you'll find several interesting threads on Voskhod. I've also tried Ladas and Rapira Swedish Supersteel, made by the same factory, but prefer the Voskhod.
was sent a few by a couple people here and tried them for the first time and they worked great. i like them better than the astra sp although they are close for me the voskhod was a better shave. i agree with it being a little less sharp but its was a very nice and smooth shave with no irritation. i already ordered some up from somewhere else.
I like Voskhods a lot and I plan to order more soon.

I find their sharpness to be right between Red Personnas and Feathers.

Not insanely sharp, but just sharp enough...to my liking at least.
I haven't tried the Voskhods yet but plan to, I have heard good things about them. I like sharper blades so I can appreciate Feathers in that regard but way too many nearly as sharp blades out there that are overall better performers in my opinion.
I too heard good things about them, so I got 2 samples.

I tried it shaving some of my chest hair off (women love it), and found it not to be as sharp as some of my other blades.
However, I have another one and will give it a try on my face and see how that goes.
Voskhods are one of the best deals out there for a higher quality blade. I got 200 of 'em for $20 bucks shipped from That Other Place when they had a group buying deal. I've also found that Ladas (made by the same plant) are nearly as good, but cost a few cents less per blade.

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Voskhods is my one & only 'go-to' blade. :thumbsup:

I found this blade to be 'awesome', forgiving and perfect with no pulling or tugging, very, very smooth, (albeit a 'weeper' now & then..but zero 'nicks'), no irritation and/or razor burn that %99.9 of the time results in CCS's in 3 passes (WTG, CTG & ATG), with 2 great shaves per blade (I shave every-other day with Saturdays as my shaving 'day off'),...and are very compatible with both of my Merkur 23C & 38C razors.

"Dа...бритва [лезвие] не может быть обострена на части бархата". Автор неизвестен (translation...“Yes...a razor [blade] can’t be sharpened on a piece of velvet”. Author Unknown

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