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Voskhod Blade - My First Shave With One Today

I traded for 30 of these with another member to see if I liked them enough to purchase 100, the only way you can seem to get them. I traded an equal lot of Gillette Silver Blues.

Loaded one up this morning about 10am in my R89. It started off a little rough as with my first two N/S strokes on my cheek, the blade chattered and skipped down my face. My first thought was "these can't be that bad with all the good things I've heard". I sat the razor down and checked my shave creme consistency. Turns out it was a little to saturated with water, and the water here in SA is very hard. This was the first day that I tried using my Kent BK8 in the shower for my shave, so I either didn't get enough product in my bowl before I got in or got too much water in...or both. I added a little Nivea liquid body wash to the bowl and re-whipped it to make a quick super lather and re-lathered my face.

This helped quite a bit, but the blade still didn't didn't glide as smoothly as my other favorite blades, the Gillette SB's, Israeli Personna (Crystal) and the Astra, but it was cutting quite well. I did my normal 3 pass shave with cleanup and it chattered a bit on my blade buffing passes, even with ample lather. It also chattered on my ATG pass for my lower neck (diagonal from ear to adam's apple for me).

I got a few weepers, but nothing out of the ordinary for me and nothing that bled after rinsing my face in the shower a few times. I exited the shower somewhat disappointed in the Voskhod. However, after brushing my teeth and putting my hair product in I put on my Weleda AS balm as is my normal routine. I immediately noticed that the normal brief stinging I get in any mildly irritated areas was absent. No sting at all. Also, as I rubbed the balm into my face and neck I could not detect any area's that felt irritated. I can usually feel a few until the Weleda has time to work it's magic.

At the time I felt like I had BBS in some parts of my face and DFS over the rest. Not too shabby for a blade that chattered across my face in several areas.

Even now, almost 12 hours after my shave I have no noticeable beard growth and most of my face still feels BSS. Additionally, I don't have any of the small red bumps at the base of my neck that I have been fighting for the past few weeks. I doubt that has anything to do with the blade, but maybe it does.

For now I am going to chalk the chattering up to a poor batch of shave cream. I will try again tomorrow and concentrate on building a better bowl of lather for the Voskhod. I am now much more impressed with this blade than I was when I stepped out of the shower. After I shave with this blade for the rest of the week, to see how long it lasts and if the chattering goes away, it may be my next 100 blade purchase.

So far, so good with the Voskhod.
For now I am going to chalk the chattering up to a poor batch of shave cream. I will try again tomorrow and concentrate on building a better bowl of lather for the Voskhod. I am now much more impressed with this blade than I was when I stepped out of the shower. After I shave with this blade for the rest of the week, to see how long it lasts and if the chattering goes away, it may be my next 100 blade purchase.

So far, so good with the Voskhod.

Trying two new items at once makes it tough to figure which is to blame, or which it to be praised, depending on the outcome. I suggest going back to a combination of soap (or cream) and brush that you're familiar with to make sure you're getting a great lather. Then let us know how that blade performs for you.
I get good shaves with these,and the Ladas,from the same factory.For me,the Ladas seem a tad smoother,but I would buy them both if I ran out.
I also like Voskhods and Ladas blades. I've never experienced chattering though. Might the head of the razor not be tightened all of the way?

The Count of Merkur Cristo

B&B's Emperor of Emojis
Voskhods are my 'go-to' blade! :thumbsup:

Here's my Review...

"Dа...бритва [лезвие] не может быть обострена на части бархата". Автор неизвестен (translation...“Yes...a razor [blade] can’t be sharpened on a piece of velvet”. Author Unknown
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I a fan as well and have used roughly 200 of them over the past two of years. They aren't the sharpest or smoothest blade out there, but I get a nice comfortable shave with them out of most of my razors. Through various group buys, buying some off BST, and being given a couple hundred, I am in to my stash for about $7.50 per 100.
These blades are very odd and unique for me personally. so far on my second at the moment. The first one I trashed after 4 shaves because while the outcome was wonderful it just got progressively less smooth. Now I'm on my 4th with this blade and its giving a smoother shave than it did during the third.

All in all, the closest shave with the least irritation that I have gotten out of a dozen+ different blades. Still need to try my Bolzanos and Ladas though.
Thanks for the comments and replies guys. My razor head was tight. I am convinced that the chattering and skipping was due to the poor quality of the lather that I whipped up. It's similar to when I'm trying to do some final touch ups and If I find a spot after I rinse all of the later off and try to touch it up anyhow the blade/razor will skip or chatter over my skin because there's no lubrication. The water here is very hard and does not have much "lube" on it's own.

I overslept this morning and didn't have time to shave this morning, so I will try it out again tomorrow morning. In spite of the poor lather I created and the initial difficulties I had with the blade, I really did get an irritation free shave from the Voskhod, so I am very hopeful about the blade moving forward.

Another report tomorrow.
I can't say that I've ever heard of using Nivea body wash as part of a superlather... it sounds like you've done this before, how does it work out? Any skin irritation?
The Nivea works great for me. I used to use just some cheap Williams soap with my Prorasso red, but one day I was out and I just tried a small dash of the Nivea. At the time it was labeled as body/hair/shave, or something like that. Anyhow, it works really well and doesn't irritate me any, although I don't use a great deal.

I keep meaning to just get some plain liquid glycerin to use, but forget every time I'm at Whole Foods.
So, my 2nd shave went much better this morning. I used just a bit of my Nivea again and more went back to my Proraso Red until I get the hang of the TOBS. The lather was much better today. Thicker, slicker, like it should be.

The Voskhod slid right along my skin like I first expected. I got one tiny weeper on the left edge of my neck, where I had some residual irritation, but very minor. The rest of the shave was smooth, really really nice. Everything was going just great until I was doing some clean up on my upper lip. I had the razor on my skin and turned my head just a bit and got a really bad nick. My fault, not the razors.

After I got out of the shower and got the bleeding on my upper lip stopped, I put on some witch hazel and didn't get any significant burn, just a nice, fresh tingling sensation. Put on my Weleda AS balm and didn't get any sting either. DFS to BBS everywhere on my face. I really don't have any area's that I am disappointed in. I'm impressed with the closeness of the shave combined with lack of little weepers that I normally get trying to get so close & the almost total lack of irritation.

2 irritation free shaves and none of the chattering/skipping that I experienced last time. Totally the fault of the lather I built last time.

I would have enjoyed this shave so much more, even with the damn nick, if I wasn't so damn sick. I didn't realize how sick I was at first. I just felt hot, tired and achy. Then I got to the office and proceeded to vomit at my desk. Didn't even feel it coming and barely got to the waste basket. I thought I was going to be better after that, as I usually am. But about 15 minutes later it hit me again. I'm home now trying to keep the nausea at bay. Once again, not the fault of the Voshkod.
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I believe The Shave Den store ( think that's right) is the only place to get them currently. There apparently used to be some other places, but this is the only one I know of. I didn't want to buy 100 until I had tried a few, so I traded with another member for some blades I had that he wanted to try. But, the price for $100 blades is pretty reasonable.
Just had my 1st try with the Voskhod. . . and I am happy to report that I had a great face & dome shave with it. I loaded it up with my Merkur 37G and it was magic. It will definitely be in my rotation this summer.

They are a good blade but really like the Ladas when I use the DE rather than the straight. Wish the Ladas were still available from our vendor members.
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