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Vocabulary/Glossary To Describe The Quality Of An Edge

As my adventures in honing continue, I'm realising that I haven't yet got an adequate vocabulary to describe the results I'm getting.
Apart from the edge being smooth or rough, sharp or dull, there's a lot more going on that I need words for.
For instance, when I stropped on newspaper the edge felt somehow "brittle" and different from before.

I see words like "crisp" being used to describe edges, so is there a glossary of edge characteristics I can find somewhere?
Also, what about "shave ready"?
I know this is the quality of a blade returned from a honemeister (?) but what are its actual characteristics?
If a blade is smooth, sharp and delivers a close shave with no irritation, is it "shave ready" or does that also require other characteristics to be present?
While it sounds like a good idea I think you will have a hard time coming up and having the terms mean the same thing to different people.

"shave ready" should be simple but even this varies, your definition of "shave ready" may not be mine.
Hmmm...so I'd be really interested to hear members descriptions of what "shave ready"/"fully potato" means to them...
+1 for a full potato edge.

Shave-ready - I can go ATG under my nose and get BBS without irritation.
Shave ready is pretty subjective from person to person. Describing what shave ready "feels like" is beyond my capabilities.
Shave ready=when I take a swipe and have to look to make sure the whiskers are gone form the face, you tugging, no irritation
Shave ready=when I take a swipe and have to look to make sure the whiskers are gone form the face, you tugging, no irritation

Very dull but smooth also causes this sensation unfortunately (ie an inadequately set bevel polished with a coticule, don't ask how I know this ;)
Shave ready=when I take a swipe and have to look to make sure the whiskers are gone form the face, you tugging, no irritation

By this definition alone...my gold dollar is not shave ready yet. WTG produces clean strokes that cut stubble. XTG and ATG...not yet


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
A "crispy" edge, to me, means that it was "overcooked" on the finishing. Usually overcooked on diamond pastes/sprays giving my skin a razor burned feeling after a shave.
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