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Vitalis vs Lucky Tiger 3 Purpose

Since there was the brylcreem vs groom and clean thread, I thought this would compliment it.

I was running low on vitalis and picked up the LT. It works about the same, so far, as I can tell, but I do like the scent of the Vitalis better.

sorry, but i find the vitalis scent "cheap," or maybe "common." IMHO, the Lucky Tiger is a superior product, both in terms of fragrance and holding performance.
Even better, again IMHO, is the Clubman colorless product, either the Eau de Quinine or the Eau de Portugal (I can NEVER get them straight, lol). The red-tinted one is ok but it tends to color blond/grey/white hair.
I add a few drops of mineral oil to both the Lucky Tiger and Clubman Eau de......products to increase the holding power.
I used Vitalis as a kid until I got into wearing High n Tights or Flat tops in HS. Now days I mix some Jeris with Groom and Clean and I am set. Both of my grandpaws used Vitalis every day. If I ever let my hair grown out enough to part I will give it a try.
I can never get past the scent of Vitalis. About every five years I think I want to try it again so I go to the store and take a quick sniff. Then I am put off for another five years. Just a scent thing.

I most certainly agree that Pinaud's Eau de Portugal(the clear one) is a wonderful scent. I love the Portugal scents. The bitter and sweet orange scent is a fave. And their Eau de Quinine is great too. Real, old school stuff. Just remember to use them as a friction lotion if you want them to add a bit of body to your hair. That goes for Vitalis or just about any of the lotions without oil.

Cheers, Todd
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