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I just got a Merkur Vision and used it this morning. It was an excellent shave. I need to play around with the agressiveness. I used a feather blade and had absolutely no irritation. I've tried several razors recently but I feel that this is the best yet.
I really wonder why there is the sudden interest in the Vision. I would never buy one myself, due it's overall lack of Quality Control/ Overall Quality.

Far better razors are available for far less money.
congrats on a good shave.

A lot of people have had problems with the Vision razor, but I guess if you get one that works, it works.
So far so good. The review from the Leisureguy's book to shaving persuaded me to give it a try.
I had a few good shaves with mine, but have put it aside while I work on my technique. I'll come back to it in a couple months.
I had my first shave with mine last night and it is was good. I had it set a little too aggressively compared to my other adjustables but that worked out well. I am still smooth about 8 hrs later. It isn't hard to shave with. I haven't had it long enough to comment on any of the problems that others have had with it but mine is problem free after 1 shave!

My biggest concern is with the design of this thing. The end of the blade is about 1cm away from the razors edge at the unexposed ends so when I try to shave under my nose as I do with all my razors ---> from the side and going WE it doesn't get all the hair. I have to flip the razor and go SN up towards my nose.

It's great that they have thought of a TTO adjustable that looks great and all the other benefits of the razor but for $US100 they should deliver a product that firstly and formostly delivers a great shave. The guys who tested this thing and let it get through design and testing stage must've had goatees or moustaches.

Hi Guys,

The thing with the Vision is, that you need to clean it often - especially if you live in an area where the water has a lot of deposits in it.

I had a Vision returned from a customer from Spain - the rod had snapped, when I got it back it was clear that water deposits had built up and seized the razor solid and the rod just snapped when he tried to open the razor.

Merkur, to their credit sent me two spare rods/doors and I was able to replace, lube and return at no cost.

So, clean regularly!

I genuinely believe that this razor is too complex in design and as a result it can be 'temperamental'

Hope this helps
The thing with the Vision is, that you need to clean it often - especially if you live in an area where the water has a lot of deposits in it.

I had a Vision returned from a customer from Spain - the rod had snapped, when I got it back it was clear that water deposits had built up and seized the razor solid and the rod just snapped when he tried to open the razor.

I know of no other razor, that requires that level of TLC just to keep it functioning.

One can find vintage Gillette's caked in crud, and once cleaned up they still work perfectly.

I think the Vision has some pretty serious design flaws.
The Vision definitely requires weekly preventative maintenance. But it does provide an outstanding shave once you get a feel for its size and weight.

If nothing else, the Vision shakes up the rotation. No other razor has the same heft or produces the same sound. I think the sound of the thing cutting hair is its best feature!
If nothing else, the Vision shakes up the rotation. No other razor has the same heft or produces the same sound. I think the sound of the thing cutting hair is its best feature!

Have you tried a Single Edge Gem razor yet? The audio feedback is one of the wonderful benefits of using them. :thumbup:
I owned a Vision, and was disappointed with the performance compared to my Futur. I've since sold it. I'm so used to using smaller razors now (my Injectors are much smaller and lighter), I cannot imagine ever going back to that behemoth.


I have none of these cleaning issues. I just scrub mine with a toothbrush and toothpaste (seems to get into the matte chrome finish better than dish soap) from time to time. No issues at all. Once you do the "surgery" you can adjust the aggressiveness to whatever you want (dial it so that the lowest setting is below the guard, or dial it high enough that fully opened it can litterly cut your face off). I really appreciate the heft being well distributed, compare the the many heavy handled, light head, razor setups out there. With the vision it is evenly heavy from top to bottom.

I also find once you get use to the variance in aggressiveness on each side, you can use it to your advantage. I use the more aggressive side for the first pass and some of the tougher parts on the second pass. I use the less aggressive side for the sensitive areas and some of the general second pass.

I would not sell mine. Fortunately I purchased it new from coolshaving.com almost a year ago for $98. Seems the price has gone up a bit lately...which drops it's bang for the buck value.

I like my Vision. To each their own.
I owned a Vision, and was disappointed with the performance compared to my Futur. I've since sold it. I'm so used to using smaller razors now (my Injectors are much smaller and lighter), I cannot imagine ever going back to that behemoth.

Smaller razors are better, you can reach every single spot whit them.
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