It's as good as advertised. I bought some unused off ebay and tried it out for the first time yesterday.
The only problem with this amazing soap was that the scent was gone. Other than that it was outstanding in every way.
First, it was incredibly easy to lather and took only 20 seconds of swirling before lather was exploding all over the place.
Once I transferred the brush to my face it turned into the richest, creamiest lather I've ever seen. I let it sit on my face for a couple of minutes before I shaved just to see if it would stay that nice. It did.
Then I started to shave. It was extremely slick and super protective. It was richer and creamier than MdC, and the lather was just as abundant, slick and protective if not more so.
As I said, Yardley is just as good as advertised. I recommend buying some if you can find it.
The only problem with this amazing soap was that the scent was gone. Other than that it was outstanding in every way.
First, it was incredibly easy to lather and took only 20 seconds of swirling before lather was exploding all over the place.
Once I transferred the brush to my face it turned into the richest, creamiest lather I've ever seen. I let it sit on my face for a couple of minutes before I shaved just to see if it would stay that nice. It did.
Then I started to shave. It was extremely slick and super protective. It was richer and creamier than MdC, and the lather was just as abundant, slick and protective if not more so.
As I said, Yardley is just as good as advertised. I recommend buying some if you can find it.