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Vintage Williams Jackpot Find

Inspired by forum member Gamma's Vintage Williams 12 packs and a recent eBay listing of the same, I tried to seek out if any other Vintage Wlliams 12 packs could be found. By pure chance and great fortune I came across these while back in New York during the holidays. Needless to say they are quite rare, and being the soap slut that I am, I took the remaining stock that was available. These are the pre-UPC coded pucks circa 1960s. Yippee! :laugh:

There have been four forum members that have consistently touted Vintage Williams as long as I can remember. They are michiganlover, HoosierTrooper, Topgumby and Seraphim. (If I missed someone else the four of you have to let me know.) And for all that proselytizing I'd like to send out a free Vintage Williams soap puck to each of you four. (Please shoot me a PM.)

I'm definitely not in the modern Williams fan camp but the Vintage Williams is just great stuff. :thumbup:

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Wow - great find. :thumbup1:

I too, am in the vintage Williams camp.

Great stuff when you can find it. If you need to offload some of that stash - shoot me a PM.
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Congrats, I though am in the modern Williams camp. I can lather up just about anything, and Williams is cheap...So....I love it!!:thumbup1:


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Nice score. Out of curiosity, in what sort of place did you find this fantasic lot?
Nice cache of vintage Williams.
I'm not a soapologist or a latherering guru but the lather I get from those soap pucks is pretty impressive.
Holy crap how could I forget Seraphim. Post is corrected. Got that Seraphim?


I must say that I was turned onto vintage Williams by BobK1, who kindly PIF'd me a puck of the vintage stuff after he had seen me ranting about how poor the new stuff performed (IMHO, YMMV, etc, etc...:laugh:). I then passed on that puck to Michiganlover, who always seemed as distraut as I in regards to modern Williams....the rest is history!:biggrin1:

Super score!!!
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