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Vintage puma

Hopefully the heel is in good shape. Its always a red flag for me when the seller doesn't show part of the blade, especially when there are multiple photographs giving him lots of opportunity. "Good condition for age" can also be a red flag in this situation, especially if the parts he does show look pretty good, because if the the entire razor looks moderately decent then most sellers will claim it "looks unused" or "practically mint" or "nearly perfect".
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I hope it turns out to be as nice as it could be, but I would have held out for better photos, personally.
Yeah i know what you mean, something tells me it won't be a problem i've still sent him a message asking about the heel anyway.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
It is tempting, yes, but I wouldn't have gone over $40 or so in this case, for the same reasons everyone else stated. It isn't actually a steal at the price you bid, but if it is actually as good as the pic indicates, you got a decent deal, and I would have no problem paying that much if the razor was undamaged.
So she'll be mint, besides if you look at the tang there's no wear, meaning no corrections have been attempted, usually a good sign.

I have a few inox pumas myself, so I noticed the inox immediately, which is why my second thought on seeing those photos was not "corrosion" but "chipped heel".

Hopefully it's in good shape though, and the omission was an accident.

GBP56 is something like US$80 I believe? If it's in good shape then that's a reasonable deal for what appears to be a pre-Dovo Puma.
Yeah fingers crossed, as you know pre dovo stainless pumas are by far the most wanted and can easily fetch $200-$300 if not more so it is quite a lucky find.

Id be surprised if it's chipped, like i said no corrections have been attempted plus it looks like it's had little use anyway, besides i can hone it out if necessary.

I will of course post pictures once it's arrived and it's been honed and cleaned up by yours truly.

My mate had £70 to spend so hopefully i got what i feel is a real bargain, all because he didn't list it as a straight razor, so it didn't show up under the normal search perameters.
Exactly that, if you look at the tang you see no obvious signs of wear, meaning that no noticeable honing has been carried out.

So there is more likelihood that there is no problem, partly as he didn't list it as such plus if there was a chip it's more likely someone would have attempted to fix it.

I know this is not a 100% guarantee but it does mean it's stands a better chance of being fine.

I've bought and sold quite a few razors, i wouldn't have placed a bid if i didn't think it was worth it.

Plus as above it's stainless, less chance of any rust damage so the only possible damage would be a chip, anyway i've fired the seller an email for pictures if it's damaged before sending. I also said if it's fine then send away so we'll see.

I can correct most chips anyway, i've seen some real bad razors, typically most heel damage is from excessive wear or rusting which i can see no sign of.
Hopefully it's in good shape though, and the omission was an accident.

Well given the low feedback and the incorrect listing of it, there is a good likelihood it's just that, fingers crossed eh either way it'll get here in days seeing it's from over here anyway.
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Just got her today, i had a small nibble so a bit of meat had to go and i had to be careful seeing as she was such a small razor, but crikey what an edge.

Im going to have to sort myself a real nice puma at some point in the future, it's up there with my vintage ti for sure.

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