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Vintage old spice vs other stuff



I've been looking at sampling colognes. I recall Old Spice from when I was a kid having a decent ... actually pretty interesting scent, piercing but not deadly. And not too much alcohol; stuff I run into these days is a choking gag-cloud of 97% Iso.

I gather Old Spice changed their recipe? Is there a newer equivalent, or something in the same class?

I've ordered a sample tube of New Spice from St. Charles Shave, which will be much different I'm sure. I have chicks helping me out on this; one of the bar girls has challenged me to find something that'll get her to follow me home (vintage old spice will do this of course; it'll get her IN the bed but beyond that you're on your own... oh well, cuddles are nice). Guess that means I have a source of infinite feedback. :p
Os might not do the trick, as it could enovke memories of her dad or grandfather, which would be a deal killer for most females. As much as I liked the Pinaud clubman original, my wife wanted to throw me out of bed because it reminded her of her father.
Don't let the scent wear you. Wear the scent.

If you like old Old Spice, try Aged Spice from Mama Bear. Bay Rums are in the same family.
I've been looking at sampling colognes. I recall Old Spice from when I was a kid having a decent ... actually pretty interesting scent, piercing but not deadly. And not too much alcohol; stuff I run into these days is a choking gag-cloud of 97% Iso.

I gather Old Spice changed their recipe? Is there a newer equivalent, or something in the same class?

I've ordered a sample tube of New Spice from St. Charles Shave, which will be much different I'm sure. I have chicks helping me out on this; one of the bar girls has challenged me to find something that'll get her to follow me home (vintage old spice will do this of course; it'll get her IN the bed but beyond that you're on your own... oh well, cuddles are nice). Guess that means I have a source of infinite feedback. :p

Well, there's nothing that quite matches vintage Old Spice like vintage Old Spice. It's still regularly available on the Bay.
Along with the recommendations you are already getting, I recommend CVS spice aftershave. It smells a lot like the glass bottle old spice formula.
Along with the recommendations you are already getting, I recommend CVS spice aftershave. It smells a lot like the glass bottle old spice formula.

I bought some of that last night. I havent used it as a AS yet, but when I got home I put rubbed some into my hands to test out the scent. I cant say that I was particularly impressed with it. I have never used OS, old or new formulation, so I am not making a comparison between the 2 scents, just my thoughts on the scent in general of the Ivy Club AS.

EDIT: I see you are referring to the CVS version. I was talking about the Family Dollar one that everyone seems to love. Dont know how similar the two are.
If'n you don't like the Family Dollar Old Spice clone, the original Shulton formula Old Spice will probably not twirl your toes.


Os might not do the trick, as it could enovke memories of her dad or grandfather, which would be a deal killer for most females. As much as I liked the Pinaud clubman original, my wife wanted to throw me out of bed because it reminded her of her father.

That's understandable. There's a specific girl in mind that I know likes it; and dealing with the 20s college girl crowd, it's unlikely. Mind you every girl that's been seriously into me has had an unbelievable Electra complex. Even the older ones. You can't make this s#*% up.

Just figured it'd be nice to have that in the cabinet if I start regularly or strategically wearing cologne*. The only downside I can see is it might attract cougars...unfortunately, 20s-crowd clubs are full of 'em. No I'm not kidding; this place is half a block from a college dorm, it's full of college kids, why are all these 35 year old women here?!

So I see there's yet another reason to try out the bay rum scents....

*by the way, your sense of smell works by exposed nerves in the nose connected directly to the brain just a bit behind the forebrain; this means it routes to a lower level than conscious thought, altering your underlying instinctive impulses. Think about what this means when a girl likes how you smell... hell, think about how YOU react when you smell pancakes.
The only downside I can see is it might attract cougars...unfortunately, 20s-crowd clubs are full of 'em. No I'm not kidding; this place is half a block from a college dorm, it's full of college kids, why are all these 35 year old women here?!

You seriously see this as a downside? my friend, embrace the cougars. they will teach you things you could not even imagine. And they are more open than the younger crowd (take that to mean whatever you want it to mean).


my friend, embrace the cougars.


Cougar in a cougar. You hug it first.
I bought some of that last night. I havent used it as a AS yet, but when I got home I put rubbed some into my hands to test out the scent. I cant say that I was particularly impressed with it. I have never used OS, old or new formulation, so I am not making a comparison between the 2 scents, just my thoughts on the scent in general of the Ivy Club AS.

EDIT: I see you are referring to the CVS version. I was talking about the Family Dollar one that everyone seems to love. Dont know how similar the two are.

I haven't tried the Family Dollar version yet. I need to do that for comparison sometime. But the CVS spice aftershave smells more spicy to me than the current old spice.
I haven't tried the Family Dollar version yet. I need to do that for comparison sometime. But the CVS spice aftershave smells more spicy to me than the current old spice.

I think that they're both the same. The only difference is the price--it's about three times more expensive at CVS (at least at the stores around me).
I haven't tried the Family Dollar version yet. I need to do that for comparison sometime. But the CVS spice aftershave smells more spicy to me than the current old spice.

I think that they're both the same. The only difference is the price--it's about three times more expensive at CVS (at least at the stores around me).

I agree with Nid. You can check for yourself by turning over your bottle of CVS Spice and see if there's a tiny "Vi-Jon" in script on the bottom of the bottle. If so, you've got the same stuff as FD sells. If you like it, I'd recommend going to Family Dollar instead of CVS when you run out. A bottle there's only about $1.60, and I've heard that the CVS version is quite a bit more than that. Enjoy!
I've seen bottles marked "Spice for Men" and indicating "Phoenix Labs" was the maker...ClubmanRob thought that it was the same Vi-John aftershave, but possibly older stock.

Dennard, if you are a big fan of Old Spice, you might consider Mama Bear's Aged Spice soap and cologne. If you want a tallow soap, Krissy at Prairie Creations just added an Old Spice scented soap to her line.
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