Hey guys, I work in NASCAR as an over the wall pit crew member(tire changer) and I usually only do the Sprint Cup Series. This weekend however I got asked to go to the Nationwide race in Chicago and we won! So with that being my first win of the season I thought I would do a pif to celebrate.
All you need to do is say "I'm in". There are no other rules or restrictions. Here are the goods:

These are soaps from my shave den that don't get a lot of love so I thought I would pass them along to someone who might give them more attention than I do.
Mike's Natural Soap Pine and Cedarwood (used twice)
30 Degree Lemon Sandalwood (used once)
Proraso Green (used around 10-15 times)
Also included will be a few various samples, I will let those be a surprise to the winner.
This PIF will end at 5pm this friday. I will randomly select a winner by counting the number of entries and have my wife pick out a number from the final count. Good Luck!