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Very Interesting Nakayama

Not that I'm a Jnat maven or anything - but this one is remarkably different than the others I own. It's faster, crazy fine, deceptively hard. The top surface; how it cuts or something along those lines, 'feels' like it's softer than it really is. If I was to venture a guess - it releases slurry (and cuts) faster than my big Nakayama Asagi, so when I'm honing it feels like my Kita. My Kita is softer than the Asagi, and I thought this one here was simlar. But - when I got down to Tomo and then plain water I could feel that it's significantly harder than the Kita.
Maybe it's just that the abrasive content is higher? Not sure. At any rate it's a first class stone. I've done two razors with it so far and the first one (Le Coultre) shaved better than it ever did before. Tonight I'll take the second one (W&B) for a spin - the edge felt 'right' so I expect it'll be pretty decent.

Damn, it sure is a looker.
Thanks Rick - it's less intense when dry but it is a good looking stone either way.

That's a really nice looking stone. Where all these stones keep coming from?

I've bought Jnats from 8 or 10 different people/places.

I wanted to ask the same :blush: Very nice stones every two weeks or so, we are jealous :001_tongu

There's nothing to be jealous of really - they're just rocks.

That is a beautiful stone, just gorgeous.

Thank you Alfredo.

Nice stones as always Gamma. JapaneseNaturalStones.com also seller them.
Thanks Matt - yes, Maxim sells Jnats also.

Shave report:

Well, this stone rocked my world today. It is a SUPERB stone. A keeper for sure.
The W&B I honed up with it today took on the hardest job any straight I own could ever have to deal with;
Early growth stubble following yesterdays BBS shave with the Lecoultre.
My shave was brilliant beyond words. Just wonderful.
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I recommend sending it to me for assessment.

J-Nats are a funny thing. One of my favorites is an unknown one. Came with no stamps, no provenance. Hones with the best of them.
Thanks, but it's been assessed and it's a top-tier stone. :wink2:

Yep - it's all about performance, not provenance.
Grats on another nice score.

Out of curiosity, Gamma... do you keep a certain number of stones as a main honing "rotation", or just keep whatever ones you like?
I like all of them, even the ones I've sold. I just don't have the room or a budget to keep them all.
The only stone I won't be using, at least for the time being, is a Nakayama Asagi Maruka Kamisori. I can't bring myself to lap the stamps off the top.
The rest of them get used - but not in a specific rotation way.
I don't have so very many Jnats - I've sold off a bunch of them.
Another nice stone Gamma.I just ordered a Nakayama from Takeshi, he said that it was the larger half of a very, very nice stone that broke. I'm hoping that it works out..
In this case, let me know when you are going to sell this one :)

That one - ain't goin' nowhere.

Another nice stone Gamma.I just ordered a Nakayama from Takeshi, he said that it was the larger half of a very, very nice stone that broke. I'm hoping that it works out..

Congrats on the new purchase. Post pix when it shows up please!
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