Im looking for a variety pack of blades, hopefully from the same vendor. Specifically, Im looking for: Astra Superior Stainless, Kai, Gillette 7-o-clock green pack, Bolzano, and Gillette Super Thin. So far in my approximately 9 months of DE shaving, I have used Feathers, Astra Superior Platinums, Iridiums, Bic Chrome Platinums, Gillette 7-o-clock yellows, Cyrstals, and Red Pack Personnas. All but the Feathers, Astras and Iridiums were when I first started, so Im looking to revisit some old ones, and try some new ones for the first time. I only shave every third day, so my beard is somewhat long by the time I shave. I am finding that I tend to prefer the sharper blades because of this. Is there one place I can order these blades from? Any more I should definately try?