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Valobra stick question



Does it come with some plastic twist dispenser or is it just in a wrapper that you peel off as you go like the Arko or Palmolive sticks?
I had one for short while, but sold it because I didn't like the scent. (I'm not knocking the scent - I'm just unusually sensitive to scents).

It doesn't have a twist dispenser or even a little plastic handle at the bottom - just some foil wrapped around the base. See picture.

The only stick I've come across with a full plastic dispenser is the Irisch Moos. An excellent product all around. It has a push-up type mechanism and a nice screw on cap. The La Toja stick also has a plastic cap that slides onto a plastic base.


Does it come with some plastic twist dispenser or is it just in a wrapper that you peel off as you go like the Arko or Palmolive sticks?
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I bought a few screw type dispensers from MamaBear to put my shave sticks in. They don't quite fit--they're all a little smaller that this dispenser, smaller diameter--but that's not a real problem.

If you do put it in a dispenser, use a chop stick or something to drill the hole in the shave stick. If you use the dispenser, the plastic will flex and come out the side. Drill the hole as far through the soap as the stick will go in the dispenser, but it doesn't have to be as thick as the dispenser pole. This will help guide it properly as you shove the soap on.


a wrapper with a plastic base

So does it have a plastic base or not? Some say yes, others no. The photo above certainly shows no plastic base for the Valobra. Is it possible that older stock used to have a base but new one doesn't or the other way around?
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This is disappointing then, it's not too comfortable to travel with it, you'd figure that for $9-$10 they could put some thin layer of plastic around it.

But of course, a pills tube from the pharmacy could do the trick ... or it could be grated in a little plastic jar.
There is nothing disappointing about the performance of the soap. My favorite and definitely worth a try for <$10.00. (It travels nicely in a pill bottle also.)
but I agree, it should at least have the little plastic base to hold it (instead, it has the cheesy foil only). The Irisch Moos is the gold standard for shave sticks IMO - it has terrific packaging. It's just hard to find. Wilkinson's makes a nice shave stick, as does Palmolive and Speick (all with just a plastic base on the bottom). All fit nicely in a pill bottle, as does the Valobra. The Valobra is a nice stick, though; it has tallow and is very lubricating and cushiony - the packaging is disappointing, though.

This is disappointing then, it's not too comfortable to travel with it, you'd figure that for $9-$10 they could put some thin layer of plastic around it.

But of course, a pills tube from the pharmacy could do the trick ... or it could be grated in a little plastic jar.


How does Valobra compare in terms of performance to Arko and Palmolive sticks which I understand are tallow based too?
In my opinion the Arko is harder to lather and it doesn't smell as good. Regarding the Palmolive, I cannot comment.
In terms of ease of use while traveling, the DR Harris shave sticks work great. I believe they are designed just like the Irisch Moos - essentially same as a tube of lip balm. They are not as large in diameter as the Moos
The Valobra stick contains NO TALLOW. Great soap, plenty slick and lathers great!! I got mine from WCS. He sells them for less than $9.

Foil wrap on base. Nothing fancy but works great. I really like the smell.
The Valobra stick contains NO TALLOW. Great soap, plenty slick and lathers great!! I got mine from WCS. He sells them for less than $9.

Foil wrap on base. Nothing fancy but works great. I really like the smell.

This is NOT true. Sodium Tallowate is the first ingredient according the Valobra shaving stick box. I just bought another shave stick from WCS about a month ago and the ingredient list on the box lists Sodium Tallowate as the first ingredient. The Valobra shaving soap/cream (menthol and almond oil) are the Valobra products that do NOT contain tallow. EDIT: I have linked to the Valobra products on the detailsformen website, which lists the ingredients. Again, Valobra shaving sticks contain tallow the Valobra shaving/cream (menthol and almond oil) do not contain tallow.

In my opinion, the Valobra shave stick is a much better shaving soap than Palmolive or Arko. I have used all three and Valobra (stick) is easily the winner in my book.
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OMG I really, really, really, really hate it when I'm wrong. I just spent the last 20 minutes trying to proof my belief but simply confirmed your post- It does contain Tallow. The clencher was our own B&B shave wicki.

OMG I really, really, really, really hate it when I'm wrong. I just spent the last 20 minutes trying to proof my belief but simply confirmed your post- It does contain Tallow. The clencher was our own B&B shave wicki.


:lol: B&B wiki to the rescue! Sorry if my post seemed overly assertive - it really wasn't a big deal. I just re-read my post and thought it was a bit over the top. I guess I just love Valobra sticks :cool: Oh hell, it's really nice milled into a bowl as well:tongue_sm
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How does Valobra compare in terms of performance to Arko and Palmolive sticks which I understand are tallow based too?

I haven't tried the Arko, but it beats Palmolive on lather, scent and slickness. It also gives one of the most moisturizing shaves around in my book.
:lol: B&B wiki to the rescue! Sorry if my post seemed overly assertive - it really wasn't a big deal. I just re-read my post and thought it was a bit over the top. I guess I just love Valobra sticks :cool: Oh hell, it's really nice milled into a bowl as well:tongue_sm

I only have the 1 stick and its box is completely in Italian. Not one of my languages.:redface:
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