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Valobra Shave Stick

Wiki doesn't tell. Want to know if the Valobra shave stick comes in a "twist-to-open", plastic tube or some other way. If it is not the twist thing, how does one use, store, travel with it (or any other that is not in a plastic tube)?
No tube. Just a soap stick with a good foil wrap on the bottom third. I just use it and slip it back in its cardboard box. The box looks like it will last till the soap is gone.

Fine fine soap...a must try.
Wiki doesn't tell. Want to know if the Valobra shave stick comes in a "twist-to-open", plastic tube or some other way. If it is not the twist thing, how does one use, store, travel with it (or any other that is not in a plastic tube)?

Nope, not the twist type. Just a stick of soap with foil wrapped around the end. All that comes in a cardboard box. I just let the stick dry and chuck it in the cardboard box for travel. Tho, these days I usually travel with a brushless cream.

BTW, it's wonderful tallow stuff :drool: (the soft soap is non-tallow, only the stick has tallow).
If you don't have the resources to mill the stick into a twist-up container, an empty pill bottle works really well for holding it between shaves. I saw markb post a picture of all of his sticks in pill bottles so I took a page from his book. The pill bottles are great for travel too. :thumbup1:
Just ordered some from BullGoose, so it should be here yesterday, knowing Phil.

I noticed that it says "Hard Soap".
Is it really hard, hard, or more like La Toja. (I hope)

Last week I would not give face latherers/shave sticks a 2nd look, but my experience with La Toja and a refurbed brush with a TGN knot, caused me to see the light.

Now I am collecting shave sticks. Hmmm, is there a SSAD, if so, I have it.
Unfortunately, I milled the other 2 I had, Speick and Arko.

I guess I will have to eventually see what all the noise re Moos is about.

I already have Tabac in the bowl form.

If you don't have a mill or grater, you can cut the stick into a bunch of thin discs and then mash them down with your thumbs, one disc at a time, into a bowl.

Not so good for travel, but great if you're using it at home.

Valroba stick is great stuff. One of my favorites.
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