Used Speick stick today. Thought it would pair well with a boar brush and it lathered up really nicely. Scent is great too. This is one of my favorites so far. 

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+1!!Speick shave stick works great.
If you really want that Speick scent - followed by the aftershave spash.
If you really want that Speick scent, you need the cream, followed by the aftershave spash. The soap is really lightly scented.
I'll be doing my second shave with Speick tomorrow. My first time was fine, good lather etc. I didn't actually notice the scent before, I'll pay more attention tomorrow. What is it supposed to smell like?
I shaved w/ it last night. Holy Mother of Lather!!! Do I dare say the lather rivaled Tabac? I think so. The lather was thick, slick and very full of cushion. My post shave routine is to rinse off w/ hot water, re-lather, clean up, rinse left over lather off w/ warm and then cold water. I pat my face dry and let it air dry while I clean up some more. I then use Thayer's w/ aloe. This is great for Tabac and MWF as my face feels real nice afterwards. Last night w/ the Speick it actually felt sticky. Kind of weird. I don't think I used any more than usual. This is why I love wet shaving. Now I have to find the right post shave combo for Speick. I'm going to have to start keeping a log of various combos.