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Used Omega Boar Brush for the 1st time

I've been using a Tweezermans Badger the first few months of my wet shaving life. It has served me well, but I wanted to get a boar as another choice and also so I could rotate between the two brushes, letting one dry while using the other, etc.

So I ordered the Omega Pro 48. They shipped me the 80280 instead. I didn't realize this until I had already cleaned it and soaked it a bit so it was too late to send back. I did some test lathers to get the slight funky smell out of it.

This boar brush is amazing!!! The lather it produces is far beyond what I've ever gotten with my Tweezermans. It's also very soft on the face and 'paints' the face much quicker.

Very impressed with it. My biggest problem now is going to be letting it dry and using the Tweezermans every other day. Hmm maybe I should order another one.... Is this how SBAD starts? :)
Wait until you get it broken in. Boar brushes will get very soft after a couple of months.

You might want to force yourself to let it dry completely between uses for the first couple of months as the tips will split faster if you let it completely dry when you first get it.

After it is broken in, it is not as important to let it fully dry between uses (but it can't hurt)
I use an Omega boar, and cannot imagine switching back to badger. I never did the every other day thing, though. Not sure I would have tried that if I had known. I see the logic of letting it dry thoroughly, but maybe using it daily makes up for that effect. I don't know...


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
As long as you're gearing up your AD: I have an Omega boar in rotation with a Kent BK8. I promise you will change your tune about which one is the weak sister.
As long as you're gearing up your AD: I have an Omega boar in rotation with a Kent BK8. I promise you will change your tune about which one is the weak sister.

I'm sure a $200 badger would hold up a bit better than a Tweezerman. :) Just a liiiiiiittle outside my budget, though.
I have been rotating between these omega the last many months:
49 pro
83 pro

They are simply great brushes, once broken in.
"I use an Omega boar, and cannot imagine switching back to badger. I never did the every other day thing, though. Not sure I would have tried that if I had known."

I'm with you on this. My Badger rarely get used. With price of the Omega brushes you easily afford to have several to rotate among.
Welcome to the world of boars. I have two Semogues an omega and a B&B boar. I find them superior to badgers. The best part is, just like a fine wine, they only get better with age.

Anyone reading this who is stuck with the VDH boar, there is hope.
+1 on Semogue SOC. I really like my B&B Essentials Omega boar, but I love my "huge brush of doom" (SOC)!

If a regular boar is eating BBQ pork with a fork and knife, the SOC is grabbing a rack of ribs and messily devouring them while getting BBQ sauce from ear to ear to ear. Lather, lather everywhere!
I've never used a badger brush ... boars have served me well for the last 30 years.

I'm tempted to try a modern synthetic brush, though.
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