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Used Blades - Reuse of?

I've been shaving using a DE for a cpl of months now and love it, the prep, the feel, the sound as it shaves - fab!

But I have a question - what do people do wit the used blades when they become to blunt to shave with. They're still pretty sharp, are there any tools that they fit in, for craft work, or general DIY studd. I have 2 tools - a scraper and a cutter that take single edge but can't find abything for DEs

It seems a shame to waste what seems a still pretty sharp blade?

Anyone have any ideas???
Ive used those blades to peel rego stickers off car windows and so some paper cutting, but thats about it.
Well, blades are cheap that when I do need one I just use a new one. You know plenty of left over from the sample packs I bought.
I have an old school razor scraper that takes DE blades.

that's the sort of thing I mean, but haven't been able to find anything. Guess i'll keep looking.

It just seems like a lot of resources and effort went into the blade and it's a shame to just chuck it after 3 shaves. It's not about getting value for money but about reuse and recycle!
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