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Upgrading to a new razor.

I have a LORD L6 which I think is a satisfactory piece of shaving equipment. It does the job, but I think it's time to step up my game a little. I'm considering upgrading to a new razor.

Here are a couple of models I've considered upgrading to, from entry level to high performance, depending on the responses I get:

1. Feather Popular
2. Parker 22R
3. Dreadnought Spartan
4. Merkur Progress
5. " " Futur
Not on your list, but I will highly recommend an Edwin Jagger DE89. Quite simply a perfect, top performing, well received razor.
Merkur Progress long handle for an interesting and effective razor. Merkur 38C if you want a workhorse that, IMHO, is rather blade-dependent; some blades seems to under-perform in the 38C.
i would vote for the Progress for the adjustability, but as Vlad suggests, the EJDE89 is a very nice razor. Good luck. What about the vintage ones?
i would vote for the Progress for the adjustability, but as Vlad suggests, the EJDE89 is a very nice razor.

These two both in the long handle variety are my two you will have to pry them out of my cold dead hand razors. Either would be a great choice. Hell, get both.
progress, I just sold my ej89l cause I could never get as close as I wanted with it, once I got a progress I never used it again.

it shaves amazing.
I dont think you could get a better razor, quality and finish wise, than a Muhle R89, especially at its low to mid price point. It's just gorgeous. If it has to be from your 5 choices I'd pick the Spartan, everything else is just ugly to me.

Here's the muhle...

First, you do not say how long you have been shaving or why you want to change razors. Without knowing this any suggestions will be little more than a popularity contest (I have this, I like that) and not be very helpful in your quest for improving your shave (if this is what you desire).

All that said........

Of the razors you have in your "thinking about list" I would push you to the Progress. I have a number of reasons for this recommendation. It comes in 2 "flavors" (long handle and short handle). When set at the lowest setting it is one of the mildest new razor available. When set at its highest setting it can tackle a few days growth easily. If you find you like it, there are a lot of custom options available so you can "customize" instead of replace at a later date.


Muhle R89 or Edwin Jagger DE89 (EJ is cheaper in the States, they use the same head, different handle).
Merkur 34c and 38c get a lot of love here too. Or a Merkur Progress if you want a adjustable razor.
If you want to go vintage you can opt for a Gillette Super Speed or if you want a adjustable a Gillette Slim.
If you want the most for the money I would narrow it down to a EJ DE89 or the Merkur Progress.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I would also recommend the Progress. I have a Mergress and it is adjustable to quite a wide range. I have a short handle and really like the balance - but I've never tried the long handle, so I'm not sure what that's worth. If you have a really heavy beard you might like the Futur. The size of the head (for under the nose) and the way the blades are changed put me off the Futur - but that's just me.
I started with a Lord L6 and "upgraded" to a Muhle R89. I love everything about it.

If you like the L6 but want something more substantial look at the Merkur 34c HD. It has the same head geometry as the L6, but is made out of nicer materials.
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