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update to an older story

ok so I posted before about a friend that has mentioned multiple times how he hates shaving and paying for cartridges. I've told him about safety razors and yadda yadda yadda

so tonight he mentioned how he's been seeing all these ads for some new gillette proglide or something like that. and that it's supposed to be the best shave ever...

I immediately shot that down and told him how I started using a safety razor. he was a little more accepting and interested after I told him my blades only cost $15 for two years worth, and that my $25 razor will probably outlast me.

so tomorrow I'm thinking about sending him a link to a merkur 23c and a small sample pack of blades. I'm not sure I even want to mention soap or brushes and lather just yet. Think that's a good idea leaving the soap and brush out of the equation?


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
You could always leave it as is for now and introduce the idea of, you want to save even more, less garbage, shaving brush and a soap!
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