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Unbreakable shaving mug

Was wondering if anyone here has tried one? I looked in the review section for a review and couldnt find one. If anyone has tried one or has a one could toss me a quick review.


My elbows leak
Staff member
Nothing is unbreakable.

Is there a particular reason you'd rather have a break resistant mug over ceramic or glass one?
If its the green one youre talking about, its pretty much unbreakable. Its basically just a hunk of rubber in the shape of a coffee mug. Not much more to say about it.
If you look on the Classic Shaving website under Hart Straight Edge Razors, you will come across shaving mugs and bowls being offeredy by Hart Steel as well. I bought one of the bowls and like it a lot - it is made of some tough material (micarta? I forget what exactly) that seems very break resistant, is very lightweight, and is compact enough for travel use. It's a great package all around, requires no special handling.



My elbows leak
Staff member
If its the green one youre talking about, its pretty much unbreakable. Its basically just a hunk of rubber in the shape of a coffee mug. Not much more to say about it.

If you send me one, I bet you I can break it! :lol:
Thanks for the replies, just would like one thats a little sturdier. I seen one that is white and has a pic of a shave shop on it that didnt look to bad.


My elbows leak
Staff member
An unbreakable mug is not relevant...

You need one that will keep your brush warm in between passes...

I've seen soup bowls, glass mugs, ceramic mugs, stainless steel mugs, and everything in between...

Whatever works for you...

I use an old "Old Spice" shaving mug, but before obtaining that I used an old Coffee mug, until I broke it...:lol:
I'm afraid I've broken every breakable shaving vessel I've ever received.
It's only a matter of time.
I do better with metals.
They only get dented.
An unbreakable mug is not relevant...

You need one that will keep your brush warm in between passes...

I've seen this kind of weird projecting of individual preferences onto other people asking for opinions/help in other threads (e.g. TV in the bedroom!), so it's probably worth mentioning that it IS relevant if that's the characteristic that's important to the OP.

I've seen this kind of weird projecting of individual preferences onto other people asking for opinions/help in other threads (e.g. TV in the bedroom!), so it's probably worth mentioning that it IS relevant if that's the characteristic that's important to the OP.


As always "YMMV" (Your Mileage May Vary"). We are all Eccentric Preferential Wet Shaving Enthusiasts... Preferential being the key word... We like what we like... so I guess if he wants an unbreakable shaving mug, that's his preference and unless he gets an unbreakable mug made of stainless steel (or some similar material) he will be very disappointed...
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As always "YMMV" (Your Mileage May Vary"). We are all Eccentric Preferential Wet Shaving Enthusiasts... Preferential being the key word... We like what we like... so I guess if he wants an unbreakable shaving mug, that's his preference and unless he gets an unbreakable mug made of stainless steel (or some similar material) he will be very disappointed...

And he won't have to tiptoe around through the broken shard so often. :smile:
I don't think the one from amazon would work too well. I've tried similar looking coffee mugs. The diameter looks a bit too narrow and the sides look too steep. You want something cereal bowl shaped, wider at the top and narrower at the bottom. The only thing that worked as good as my scuttle was my wife's stoneware cereal bowl, but she objected to me using her dishes for shaving.
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