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Ultrasonic Cleaners

Anyone used them to clean vintage razors? I picked one up at Harbor Freight yesterday for $24.00. I cleaned several razors, and the water didn't have any junk in it, but it seemed like it was kind of grey when I dumped it.

Not sure if it worked or not.
I have. Sorry, I cannot recall the brand name, but the one I have, which cost about $35, does a decent job on Gillette vintage razors. Ran mine through twice, with a few drops of Dawn dishwashing soap. What wasn't removed was loosened, so a light scrubbing under hot water finished the job.
I'm not sure if this will hurt vintage razors (I'm no metallurgist), but dishwashing liquid usually contains salt, so I never use it for anything other than the dishes.

I usually use denture cleaning tablets in my ultrasonic (great with brass cases for any reloaders reading this!).

I live in the UK, and a good proprietary ultrasonic cleaning solution is James Sea Clean, which works really well, but is far less economical than the denture tabs.
Dawn Ultra dishwashing detergent, made by Proctor and Gamble and available in North America, has been used extensively to clean razors and other delicate items with no harm whatsoever. As a detergent, it breaks the bond between dirt and the object being washed, then holds the crud in suspension for a clean rinse-off. While I am not sure of its salt content, I have never known it to be too corrosive for razors.

I also have a small jewelery-type ultrasonic cleaner. I apply Dawn directly to the razor and set it in the bottom of the cleaner basket. (Always use the basket.) I cover the razor with almost-boiling water and run the ultrasonic through as many cycles as it needs to get the job done. The water afterward is usually quite cruddy!!

While a little ultrasonic jewelry cleaning is good, using industrial-grade ultrasonics on plated items will result in a loss of plating.
IMHO, they do not do that much. Nothing is going to replace good old elbow grease and Maas and Flitz and the rest.
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