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U.S. hardware store razors

I am new to straights and have been playing with them for relatively cheap. I currently have six of them. With the exception of a Wostenholm, the rest of my razors are all cheap U.S. hardware store razors - one Torrey, the rest relatively unknown. By the time I've paid for them and had most of them honed I could have had a nice Dovo.

My late grandfather ran a general store until the Great Depression wiped him out, and he shaved with Belknap hardware John Primbles (probably leftovers pulled from his shelf, I'd imagine) until the day he died. I haven't found a decent Primble I can afford yet but one day I will. The old American hardware store razors appeal to me.

Am I missing out on not getting a Henckels or a Dovo or a Thiers or a Boker? Probably, and one day I may try one of those, if straight shaving works out for me. But for now there is just something about learning how to shave with an antique piece of American history that puts a smile on my face. :001_smile
If you enjoy your shaves, you are not missing out. To be honest, the main difference between some of my razors is who bought them and why than it is the result that I get.
Man, I'd "No, you're not missing out". My favorite razor is an inexpensive american razor (Yankee Cutlery). I really like my Genco Fluid Steel, which was the recipient of an excellent j-nat edge from richmondesi. I've also got a Korn Booster razor via holli4pirating, which I've managed to fall in love with after only a few shaves. They compare very well to a vintage Le Grelot and a sheffield wedge I've got hanging around.


Most of the American razors were of excellent quality. The hardware versions were simply rebranded with the hardware store's logo, in a manner similar to what they do with pens, rulers, and fly swatters. Many of the hardware razors were also German. I don't believe I recall ever seeing a Sheffield hardware razor but no doubt they exist. In any case, the hardware razors were generally made with excellent steel, were well made, and were great shavers.

Are you missing out on not getting a Henckels or a Dovo or a Thiers or a Boker? Sure.
Are you missing out on not getting a Ferrari or a Lamborgini or a Tesla or a Bugatti? Sure!

Like the Rolling Stones said, you can't always get what you want.
Razors like that were very common. Sometimes they were stamped by the manufacturer and sometimes they weren't. U.S made razors are very under appreciated and under valued however that is beginning to change. Now is the time to buy them.
Us made razor are great. I have a few Simmons Hardware "keen Cutter"
They are excellent. I have heard that they are actually rebranded German razors
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