I suspect that these may be old news to the old hands around here, but for some reason, the lightbulb went off when I watched these - especially the first one, so maybe they will connect with someone else:
In any event, I am glad to report (especially after my last 'disillusioned' thread...) that I got my first truly good quality str8 shave last night - as good or better than with the DE. Just right....
What did the trick for me, in part, was paying much more attention to stretching the skin and working smaller areas. For the major stokes, I stick with the sort of 'proper' grips and motions, but after the 1st pass, I kind of opened up and allowed more of a free-flowing method for the harder areas.
Anyway, I'm off to the races. Thanks for y'all's help. Great resource (and potential $$ pit, I see...) here.
In any event, I am glad to report (especially after my last 'disillusioned' thread...) that I got my first truly good quality str8 shave last night - as good or better than with the DE. Just right....
What did the trick for me, in part, was paying much more attention to stretching the skin and working smaller areas. For the major stokes, I stick with the sort of 'proper' grips and motions, but after the 1st pass, I kind of opened up and allowed more of a free-flowing method for the harder areas.
Anyway, I'm off to the races. Thanks for y'all's help. Great resource (and potential $$ pit, I see...) here.