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Two interesting posts on FPGeeks

Rohrer and Klingner LE ink. I love blue-blacks, and never tired R&K. I guess I'm a sucker for LEs anyway. If there's going to be a mad dash at Goulet, then I'll skip it, otherwise I may have to get it.

Bearded B&Ber? Nice post about inks. If you go to the author's blog, there's a B&B LE Edison. A B&Ber in our midst with a full beard? :001_huh:


Fridays are Fishtastic!
JJ has a beard? That changes everything. Just kidding, he brings a lot to this little nook of B&B.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
We demand he shave!

You know what is funny? We have a "Post a pic of you smoking" thread in the Brown Leaf, and it is surprising to see how many unshaven people are in there. I was going to post a pic of me, using the camera on my iMac, then I noticed I hadn't shaved in a couple days. Well, tomorrow is DR Harris Arlington day, so maybe i will finally get a pic posted :001_smile (although other B&Bers may not be smiling once they see my mug)
Indeed, that is me. :)

You'll not catch me shaving! ;) What is interesting to me is that I think wet shavers and bearded men have more in common than may first be obvious. I think we are all reacting to the tyrany of the crappy mainstream shave.

My blog is a bit ahead of my reviews here. It will probably continue to be that way, but I intend to share everything eventually with my forums. People who like blogging can see stuff there, but those of you who don't blog will still see my reviews. As to FPGeeks, the idea is my ink essays will hopefully be a monthly feature.

Thanks so much for noticing. :)
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Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Don't worry, we'll get him eventually.

(I've got Mama Bear working on an Iron-Gall-Scented soap.) :wink2:
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