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Twist-To-Open Exploration

I’ve been trying to keep a journal on here but my shaving journey had got too fast; I fell behind on the journal.

It’s been just about three or four months since my first DE shave. I haven’t used a ton of razors. I’ve had some good shaves, I’ve used some interesting razors.

I’ve got a good handful of modern and adjustable razors and a good number of vintage razors. I got them quicker than I can use them so there are many in my collection that I haven’t tried, or have tried just a little. In fact I’ve only used two of the razors from this selection, I think it was just three shaves between them.

Sometimes I try and imagine how shaving was for a guy back then. I’m not sure our three- and four-pass shaves were a thing. I know it was more utilitarian for my dad. I think he just had the one razor. So for this Exploration I’m going to try for daily shaves, one pass or one pass plus, like I think most guys who used these razors would have done. It’s summer, I’m going to use a traditional menthol soap and creme, and a couple brushes that haven’t seen much use.

It’s going to be fun shaving more, most of my shaves have needed two days of regrowth. It will be interesting to shave just close enough for one day.

The first TTO razor is a late 40s Made in U.S. Super Speed.
TTO Exploration One

Late 40s Super Speed

It was a junk razor. It was an incidental part of a larger lot. There were four razors there of greater interest than this Super Speed; it might be redundant in my collection. It looked like it had been dropped hard and twisted. Doors wouldn’t close. Both end caps missing. Otherwise in kind of nice shape, a bit shiney even.

I wasn’t bothered that I bought a junk razor, I was mostly excited. It was the first time I had got an inoperable razor and my first chance to wrench on one; to see what I could make of it. A low risk opportunity for learning. Yeah, so a bit excited.

I hadn’t really looked at repair videos or anything. I just remembered some brief descriptions I had read in the forums. A rubber mallet may have been mentioned. Well, I just went and had a go at mine. And it got worse before it got better, but I relaxed into it and the durned thing recovered. Quite well, it eyeballs good. But was grinding a little at the end of closure; I cut a special driver to turn the screw and disassembled the thing. It was good to turn the pieces over in my hands and look at them. I was understanding a bit more their operation and how to adjust the pieces. And I got to adjusting the doors, without taking it all apart. And went to my other TTOs and adjusted the doors on a couple of those ones.

So yeah, it was good to have a junker and get to work on it. But it wasn’t really a junker, it was in sort of nice shape. After straightening it and getting the doors right, lubing it and working in the closure, it was showing well. Still missing the end caps.

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I still hadn’t shaved with it but I was quite fond of this razor already. It was fun beating it into shape, I did actually use the mallet on it. So I have a name for this razor: Hammerhead.

I was getting tired of finding a good solution for the missing end caps, I had a couple other TTOs with the same issue. Sending them for replating was an option. I had seen images of TTOs replated without end caps. I know that some early TTOs had no end caps to begin with, had the same split ends that were plated in whatever. I could do that with mine; have them replated without the end caps.

I decided to prep the bar ends for replating by removing the solder. I wanted to tidy them up anyway. I had some 400 and 600 grit sandpaper. I masked the surrounding areas and removed the solder. To do this took it down to brass. Gee, it looked real good. The 600 grit leaves a sort of fine brushed look. It contrasted quite nicely with the shiney existing nickel. Much more presentable than the dark and lumpy solder. It looks great!

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I went ahead and smoothed the ends on my other two razors with missing end caps. Very happy with the results.

I thought that the Hammerhead would be a good razor to start this Exploration: an early, basic example of the type. And I want to see if it’s fixed.

TTO Shave of the Day

: outlaw pottery

Lather: Proraso

Brush: mystery vintage

Razor: Late 40s Super Speed

Blade: Astra SP (sh. 1)

Passes: WTG, plus

After: Clubman Classic

I have had consistent close and comfortable shaves with several razors with which to compare.

I had to do a lot of small strokes with the Hammerhead, go over areas multiple times to cut it down. So not the most comfortable shave that way. And didn’t feel too close. I did a good amount of ATG on the plus pass, quite comfortable for a pass and a half shave. And not a lot of sting applying the Clubman, so comfortable that way too. No irritation or real redness on my neck after the fact, the shave feels pretty close.

I’m going to try a second shave with this razor and blade tomorrow and get a better idea of angle. Not sold on this Late 40s Super Speed as a close and comfortable razor.

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TTO Exploration One continued

TTO Shave of the Day

: Fendrihan ?

Brush: small boar 20/45 mm

Razor: Late 40s Super Speed

Blade: Astra SP (sh. 2)

Passes: WTG, plus

After: Clubman Classic

Ok, that was more like the cool, comfortable 40s shave I was thinking of. I think I relaxed a little, found a sweet spot with the angle; a little steep. I was using longer slower strokes. Maybe the Astra relaxed on the second shave too. This shave felt more comfortable and close with less effort than the first.

This was my second or third time using the Fendrihan soap. I wasn’t sure about it but it worked very well with this brush today and this shave. There was a mix-up with the stamping and labelling of this soap and I’m not sure if it is their Unscented or Robusto fragrance. I don’t have the most delicate nose.

It was good using the small boar brush. It worked fantastically well for face-lathering a one-pass shave with this razor. I noticed there was more control with the small brush of where I was putting lather. It was just quicker and lighter. It was great. I’m still breaking it in, it’s still a little pokey. I do the brush stropping after.

Yes, the shave feels very sufficiently close and comfortable. And I may have nailed a daily shave. Oh yes, and the Hammerhead repair was a success! This Late 40s Super Speed is a keeper or giveaway to a son, nephew or new DE shaver.

I can move on to the ’56 Super Speed tomorrow. Supposed to shave the same as the 40s one so a continuation of the type.

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TTO Exploration Two

1956 Super Speed

It was the best of a small vintage lot, my first vintage razors. Excellent condition, like new. No scratches, very shiney. Besides being in such nice condition, this razor is a very good example of the type.

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It seemed that Gillette were reaching the peak of their DE razor design and production in the late 1950s. The Blue-Tip and Red-Tip Super Speeds had been released and the adjustables were in development. This shiney ’56 Super Speed is emblematic of that time, for me, and another benchmark razor at the beginning of this TTO Exploration.

It’s one of only two razors in this list that I’ve actually used, I’ve used it once.

'56 super speed detail.JPG

TTO Shave of the Day

: Fendrihan Robusto Soap

Brush: small boar 20/45 mm

Razor: 1956 Super Speed

Blade: Astra SP (sh. 3)

Passes: WTG, plus

After: Clubman Classic

Apparently the soap was stamped incorrectly but the packaging is correct, so I’m going with Robusto. I said I was going to use menthol soaps but the Robusto is working really well with this TTO business. I may try a menthol cream. That little brush handle gets slippery, I remembered to use the black o-ring this time.

I thought this specific Super Speed was mild when I used it some weeks back, it felt like it again . It did well today though, I had about a day and a half of growth. Feels smooth and comfortable but a good bit of sting this time with the Clubman. Seems like a good daily shave.

I think milder razors maybe don’t do as well if blades aren’t fresh. I wish I could give it another day or two but it is just a continuation of the type. Of the two I prefer the 40s SS. Time to move on to something light: it’s the 1967 Slim Twist.

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TTO Exploration Two continued

I had to try the ’56 with a fresh blade. The Slim Twist will have to wait.

TTO Shave of the Day

: Fendrihan Robusto

Brush: small boar 20/45 mm

Razor: 1956 Super Speed

Blade: Astra SP (sh. 1)

Passes: WTG, plus

After: Clubman Classic

A day and a half of growth. Yeah, that worked out real well. I’m finding that I can do a good one day shave in a single pass. But I still have to work hard on the plus pass to cut down the tricky areas under my jaw and around my neck. I can do that with these Super Speeds. A lot of ATG today and not too much red irritated skin on my increasingly chicken neck. A healthy amount of sting with the aftershave. I’d say that shave was close enough and sufficiently comfortable for a day.

These two Super Speeds are shaving about the same. I’d have to shave them a bunch more to choose a favourite.

Slim Twist tomorrow for sure.

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TTO Exploration Three

1967 Slim Twist

Sorry, didn't hit the post button last nite, it was late. This is yesterday's.

It was the target of another small vintage lot, in-person locally this time. So fantastic value. I liked this razor and was curious about it. It seemed a tidy example of a lighter TTO, on the other side of peak DE razor development by Gillette.

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It’s the first in a series of British razors in this selection. British Gillettes, or earlier razors are sometimes represented as smoother or more aggressive; more this, more that. I’ve been reading about the rectangular stamped baseplates, which this Slim Twist has. Curious if it’s more mild or ?

TTO Shave of the Day

: Fendrihan Robusto

Brush: small boar 20/45 mm

Razor: 1967 Slim Twist

Blade: Astra SP (sh. 2)

Passes: WTG, plus

After: Clubman Classic

The Slim Twist is super fun. It was like a breath of fresh air. 43.9 g compared to the 55 or 60 g of a regular Super Speed. The handle is not your typical brass handle but it works well providing a good hold. I’ve read that all Gillette Twist-to-Open razor heads were made lower profile in the early 60s, the head on the Twist was noticeably so. It’s a safe feeling cut, I was able to go quick under nose and around mouth, etc. A half a day later feels nice, quite close, no redness or irritation.

The Slim Twist compares favourably with the two Super Speeds I’ve tried here. In fact, I will have to give the nod to the Slim Twist. I don’t need to try it again, I think I understand it well enough. But I’m going to use it again tomorrow because it’s fun! I want to see how it does with shave 3 on the Astra too.

TTO sotd '67 twist.JPG
TTO Exploration Three continued

TTO Shave of yesterDay

: outlaw pottery

Lather: Proraso

Brush: Fendrihan Synthetic

Razor: 1967 Slim Twist

Blade: Astra SP (sh. 3)

Passes: WTG, plus

After: Clubman Classic

Trying Proraso a different way. It’s maybe the fifth time I've tried it, I’ve had marginal results. It worked very well this time; nice easy dense lather. And nice summery menthol. I didn’t care for the basic synthetic brush, I found the bristle ends quite sharp. Otherwise fine but I got a very good used badger brush a while ago that is excellent; it makes this synthetic brush redundant.

The Slim Twist is continuing to impress. I’m finding that the challenge of a daily shave is cutting down the tricky areas: around jawline and bottom of chin, and either side of Adam’s Apple. The Slim Twist is so light and comfortable feeling that I could just fly at it. I wound up with a closer shave in those areas but a few good weepers. I actually applied my crystal stick to them, first time I felt the need to do that.

That said, the Slim Twist is my favourite daily razor so far. I don’t want to move on yet, I’d like to try the 4th shave with the Astra blade. I’ve found that razors in the middle or on the mild side start to slow down significantly after the 3rd shave. I’m trying to figure this out.

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TTO Exploration Four

Schick Krona

It was a focus in a larger vintage lot from ebay. Very good value. I had great success with early Schick injectors and was curious about their DE TTO. I know that Schick was competing with Gillette in stainless blade development and production in the 60s. This Krona TTO nestles right up against the Slim Twist and Super Adjustable in the timeline, also present in my collection here. There is chatter of the Krona being just more aggressive than the Gillette offerings. And it is the only non-Gillette in this sample. It will be good to see what can be found out with this razor before going into the meat and potatoes of this exploration.

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TTO Shave of the Day

: outlaw pottery

Lather: Proraso

Brush: Jared

Razor: Schick Krona

Blade: Astra SP (sh. 1)

Passes: WTG, plus

After: Clubman Classic

It was good stacking the Krona up with the Twist. The Krona does what the Twist does, but does it better. The Slim Twist is lightweight at 43.9 g; the Krona is lighter still at 37.8 g. The Krona feels even safer than the Twist and seems to cut better. Easy to focus on the shave. No weepers. The aftershave went on with a nice moderate sting. I went slow and steep ATG on my neck, no redness or irritation. I did try a bit harder on the tricky areas, 12 hrs later this shave feels more even. A very good daily shave.

I used a fresh blade this morning, I’m going straight to a 4th shave blade tomorrow. That should be good for the Krona. Then I’ll do a little recap and preview. And fire up the Rockets.

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TTO Exploration Four continued

TTO Shave of yesterDay

: outlaw pottery

Lather: Proraso

Brush: Jared

Razor: Schick Krona

Blade: Astra SP (sh. 4)

Passes: WTG, plus

After: Clubman Classic

The purpose of all this is, of course, to learn to shave. And the different razors and stuff are the vehicles. Trying to assess these razors, for a fairly recent novice like myself, is a bit of a shell game. My learning has accelerated and it’s difficult to tell if a razor is better or just feels better because my technique has improved.

These days every shave seems better than the last, and so the razors.

All that aside, this Krona is pretty shlick. The thing this time was checking it out with a 4th shave blade. It did real well. It was maybe slowing down just a hair, quite a bit better than the other mild / medium razors from weeks ago. Is this improvement due to better geometry of the Krona or better technique by me? A small conundrum.

Anyway, this shave feels good the next day; even growth and barely enough to warrant a daily shave.

Four razors down and eight daily shaves. I’m going to give it a rest and resume tomorrow.

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TTO Exploration Recap

We started with the 40s Style and Flair Tip Super Speeds. And then we saw the two lighter, late 60s Slim Twist and Krona.

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And the Preview.

The next five razors are Canadian and European Rockets. Please forgive ID errors etc. with these, I’m no expert.

There were a number of specific razor models sold as Rockets in Canada. I’m showing four main ones, there may be others. Three different mechanical types are present: two generations of Aristocrat Junior and the US Super Speed.

Unfortunately, the first of the Canadian Rockets I was going to use has been delayed in shipping and I haven’t received it. It’s an X1 ’52 Canada Rocket DeLuxe (Made in US Gold Super Speed). I may not have gotten all I could from the previous Super Speeds, I was hoping for a little redemption with these next two. I’ll keep it in if it arrives on Wednesday but we may have to make do with just the ’51.

And last the Rocket HD.

I’m going to be running the Canadian Rockets in reverse chronological order, then the Rocket HD. The Super Speed Rockets have date codes, I can’t date the others for sure but I’ve assigned them years for convenience.

’51 W2 Canada Rocket (Made in US Super Speed)

’50 Canada Rocket (Made in England 3rd gen Aristocrat Jr.)

’49 Canada Rocket (Made in England 2nd gen Aristocrat Jr .)

’56 Rocket HD (Made in England No.59 Set?)

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TTO Exploration Five

1951 Canada Rocket

This was a razor from my first vintage lot. I got it as a Canadian Rocket but I thought it was misidentified. It looks like a U.S. Super Speed, which it is; without the “Made in . . ” stamp or patent information. It was in good shape, mostly shiney, missing one end cap. I've only used this razor once or twice, when I first got it.

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I wanted to get a Rocket. I had just found out that a Rocket had been my dad’s go-to razor. I didn’t really know anything about Rockets when I got this one and a razor mystery was emerging.

I removed the remaining end cap, it was barely hanging on, and I revealed the brass; like I did with the previous Late 40s Super Speed.

'51 c rocket detail.JPG

It turns out my ’52 Rocket DeLuxe was released from the capital region and has made it’s way to my locale this morning. I hope they don’t get locusts and boils next although many there are begging for it. I suspect it will be out for delivery presently and will be on my doorstep at 11:45am. It will have it’s place in this Exploration, after the ’51.

The sub-idea this time is to compare these two Super Rockets with each other, the previous two Super Speeds and the swinging 60s TTOs, and test blade longevity; I have two 4th-shave blades to start each of these Super Rockets. Dig that.

TTO Shave of the Day

: outlaw pottery

Lather: Proraso

Brush: Jared

Razor: ’51 C. Rocket (U.S. Super Speed)

Blade: Astra SP (sh. 4)

Passes: WTG, plus

I’ve been enjoying the Proraso but was maybe finding the limits of my badger brush again. I’m going to try the vintage Mystery Brush tomorrow. I think the lighter and lower profile 60s razor heads prefer the Proraso, the ’51 was sticking to my skin somewhat when getting vertical.

The ’51 Super Speed did quite well with the 4th-shave blade, maybe not as well as the Krona. It didn’t feel as safe as the 60s TTOs, the blade just a little grabby feeling, a bit nicky but no weepers or anything. Generally comfortable, no redness or irritation after.

I must apologize, although the Clubman bottle is in the photo, I forgot to apply it. Interesting to observe the difference: I’m fine without it for such good shaves. One of my myriad gifts, which I have mostly squandered, is rather healthy skin, praise be.

The ’51 Super Speed has offered a smooth, comfortable shave. Maybe closer than the Krona? At par, maybe giving a little nod to the Schick.

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TTO Exploration Six

1952 Canada Rocket DeLuxe

I bought this one as a single off ebay, not too bad price-wise. It arrived just yesterday. I got it to round out my Canada Rocket collection. It appears the same as the ’51 C. Rocket: like a Made in US Super Speed, without the “Made in . . ” stamp or patent information. The DeLuxe aspect being gold plate or perhaps gold “wash”. Faded examples of these are almost as common on eBay as any Super Speed. And unlike yesterday’s ’51, both end caps are present and seem firmly attached. I may call this razor Cygnus.

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Yesterday’s shave with the ’51 C. Super Rocket is revealing that it is a closer and perhaps smoother shave than the 60s TTOs. Those later razors are quick and light and easy. I think the ’51 is more efficient. But which are the best daily shave? Hm.

It’s going to be fun to throw this ’52 DeLuxe into the comparison. I’m even thinking of revisiting the first two Super Speeds in this Exploration before moving on to the C. Aristo-Rockets.

TTO Shave of the Day

Bowl: outlaw pottery

Lather: Lea Menthol Bro’ Sample

Brush: the Jared

Razor: ’52 C. Rocket DeLuxe (Gold U.S. Super Speed)

Blade: Astra SP (sh. 4)

Passes: WTG, plus

Switched over to the creamier Lea Menthol and kept the Jared brush so that went well. As oomphy as it is, I found myself wanting the exfoliation of the boar. First time using the Lea, cooler still than Proraso, as I had heard. A couple times I thought I was getting high off it. It’s good though.

The Super Rocket DeLuxe shaved the same as the ’51, I think. I had a couple tiny weepers but I may have been rushing a little. Twelve hours after and my face is barely growing out. So quite close.

I gotta say here, I don’t care so much for the acronyms, or a least the one, that y’all use to describe the closeness of shaves. What I think of is, is it close enough that I can make out on the couch for an hour without trashing baby’s face? That’s the baby I’m thinking of.

Anyway, I’m thinking that the Super Speed is a fine middle-of-the-road razor. I’ve still only had nine, maybe ten shaves with them. I’m tempted to revisit the earlier two but nahh. Tomorrow it’s gonna be the gen 3 C. Aristo-Rocket.

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TTO Exploration Seven

Canada Rocket (gen 3 Aristocrat Jr.)

I got it in a vintage pair from eBay, good price. Another tidy, working class razor, as is my way. A bit of wear and water marks on doors. It’s 63.5 g, just a bit heavier than typical 55 or 60 g Super Speeds.

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It was my second Canadian Rocket, sometimes described as a “patent pending” Rocket. I still didn’t know much about Rockets (still kinda don’t), it was at this purchase that I began researching the mystery of the Canadian Rockets. After all the reading, I’m still not sure if the gen 3 AJ was actually sold as a Rocket in Canada. They’re common on Canadian eBay. I thought it’s year of manufacture was 1950ish but it’s likely later, I’ve seen 1953.

No matter. The sideways reverse chronology in my Exploration here is an effort on my part to order a progression of efficiency; I’m trying to move from milder to more aggressive. I’m trying to organize the comparison. Anyway, this is the stepping off point from basic Super Speed and later TTOs.

I’ve got another 4th shave blade to have parity with the shaves of the two Super Rockets.

And yesterday’s with the DeLuxe was darn close for a one-plus pass. I barely had enough growth to warrant a shave.

TTO Shave of the Day

Bowl: outlaw pottery

Lather: Lea Menthol Bro’ Sample

Brush: vintage mystery

Razor: Canada Rocket (gen 3 Aristocrat Jr.)

Blade: Astra SP (sh. 4)

Passes: WTG, plus

Yep, I think the bulk of reviews and rumours of this razor are true. I noticed it feeling quite smoother and just more aggressive than Super Speed. I’m trying to max out the one-plus pass daily shave, I’m being somewhat thorough. A couple good weepers below my mouth on my chin. Otherwise comfortable and seems close. Awesome! I may give it another go tomorrow with a fresher blade, or move on.

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TTO Exploration Seven continued

This good razor deserves another go. Starting a fresh blade to set up for the next comparisons. And trying it with a comfy soap and brush.

TTO Shave of the Day

Lather: Fendrihan Robusto

Brush: Omega 05 boar

Razor: Canada Rocket (gen 3 Aristocrat Jr.)

Blade: Astra SP (sh. 1)

Passes: WTG, plus

After: Clubman Classic

It was real nice loading that brush with the Robusto again. I’m not so into a huge volume of lather, just thick and slick. Especially slick. Some soaps, you know, you shave ‘em they’re gone. And good ones, hours later something's still there, like it’s done something good to your skin, like a conditioner. I feel that after Mr. Taylor’s and feel it after the Robusto.

With just the one-plus pass, I’m taking my time and taking as much I can on the first pass. And slowly working the tricky parts on the plus pass. The g3 Aristocrat Junior got close with the fresh blade this morning. No weepers but a couple little spots were lit up pretty good right after. Comfortable but close, it felt like something. I like it. Anticipating the gen 2 AJ tomorrow.

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TTO Exploration Eight

Canada Rocket (gen 2 Aristocrat Jr.)

I got it in a vintage pair from eBay, ok price; the other was a Super Adjustable, both good for my nascent collection. So I jumped. It was just a few weeks ago now.

I was starting to do the research. I believe this AJ was the original Canada Rocket, and the first Rocket anywhere. Apparently the Juniors have the same razor heads as the proper Aristocrats; but for me now, at 5 - 10% of the price. And these earlier ones, again, supposedly smoother and more efficient than later generations. Delightful.

I was finding out that the Brit Rockets twist has a weightier, more solid action. Indeed, my 2nd gen Junior weighs in at 71.9 g with it’s baseplate, significantly heavier than the gen 3 Junior; the gen 3 just a few grams heavier than Super Speed at 63.5 g.

My Rocket has some curious brassing on the handle and vague watermarks on the doors. The plating on the head seems very good. The plating on the head of my even more recent HD seems more thick and shiney still. Here’s a photo of the gen 2 from the ad.

c aj rocket ad.jpg

Yesterday’s shave with the gen 3 AJ was with a fresh blade. It was close and bracing, not a lot of regrowth this morning. I have two 2nd shave blades; for the gen 2 AJ Rocket today and the HD following.

TTO Shave of the Day

: Fendrihan Robusto

Brush: Omega 05 boar

Razor: Canada Rocket (gen 2 Aristocrat Jr.)

Blade: Astra SP (sh. 2)

Passes: WTG, plus

After: Clubman Classic

That was good.

I tried to go a little lighter on the first full pass, let the razor do the work; and get the tricky areas on the plus pass without agitating follicles. Maybe successful, time will tell.

My technique may be improving but the rumours are true: the 2nd gen Aristocrat Junior is a very good performer. Just after, this shave feels very comfortable and very close. Just a couple few minor weepers, nice even sting with the Clubman.

As I stated above, I’m trying not to belabour it. I think having a nice 2nd shave blade, or such, really helps comfort. Today’s shave felt quick and light, which is absolutely my way; but it must be effective; stuff has to work.

The Omega 05 brush certainly does, I noticed this morning relative to the couple other brushes I’ve used recently; all sixteen dollars of it. I think I’m done breaking it in with the towel stropping after. Whew. My small boar brush needs more work to get there so I may be using it for a while. I enjoy making the little guy work too.

I’m very satisfied with the 1st gen Canada Rocket / 2nd gen Aristocrat Junior (what a mouthful, kinda glad to be through the C. Rocket part). One shave showed it. Rocket HD tomorrow. Yeah!

g2 AJ rocket TTO sotd.JPG
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TTO Exploration Eight Addendum

I had previously reported ambiguous information about Canadian Rockets. I had got distracted by lesser information in another forum. The most comprehensive information I’ve seen of these razors can be found in a post here on B+B by good member BBS-1.

It’s called the Gillette Canadian Rocket TTO timeline.

This is where I had done my original reading. It’s excellent, all the information supported with extensive cross-referencing, etc. Anyway, this timeline clearly shows the presence of the 2nd and 3rd generations of Aristocrat Junior as Canadian Rockets in 1949.

Sorry for my confusion. I’m a little relieved within myself to be back on track.
TTO Exploration Nine

Rocket HD

I got it in a vintage pair from eBay, great price. I may be finished acquiring razors for now, the proof is that I’ve pretty much stopped browsing eBay. My HD is in excellent condition, very shiney plating on the doors, just a couple very light watermarks. It’s just lighter than the previous 2nd gen Aristocrat Junior at 70.4 g.

TTO 9 r hd detail.JPG TTO 9 r hd in.JPG TTO 9 r hd bottom.JPG

The best match I have to ID my Rocket HD is the Brit No. 59 Set from 1956, as shown by Mr. Razor; not sold as a Rocket but simply a Safety Razor. Rocket HD may be a collector name. I saw a similar unit on Mr. Razor for sale in Germany from 1960, but it shows the weight as 74 g.

TTO Shave of the Day

: Fendrihan Robusto

Brush: sm. boar 20/45mm

Razor: Rocket HD

Blade: Astra SP (sh. 2)

Passes: WTG, plus

After: Clubman Classic

I was a little preoccupied while shaving this morning, I thought I might not have done a very thorough job. But this evening still feels smooth. Also, my skin feels good from that soap. I wasn’t too active today, I didn’t sweat or swim like yesterday. If I move my hand on my face I can just detect fragrance. It’s nice.

The Rocket HD is right there with the 2nd gen Aristocrat Junior. I think after learning to shave and doing all the comparisons, these two razors are going to be in steady rotation.

I think tomorrow I will revisit the first razor in this Exploration and see what I’ve learned. And preview the final six razors. We started with some basic and later TTOs, then had the C. Super Rockets and Brit Aristo-Rockets. The final group represents some heavier U.S. razors leading to adjustables.

rocket hd TTO sotd.JPG
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