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Tweaking the shave.

It's all the little things now. Which razor with which blade, best soap/cream combo, etc. I've been reading and re-reading a lot of the info available around here and have discovered a few things that help the shave along.

Too much face scrubbing before shaving was not a good thing for me to do. Reading again how the creams and soaps respond and work with the natural oils of the skin led me to try just using hot shower water to soften my beard, using a mild Neutrogena face soap on the rest of my skull. I was noticing my skin would feel almost squeaky clean after the shower and I was experiencing some dryness, but now, no problems at all and better more comfortable shaves, a little tweak! If I hadn't read it around here, I might not have realized I was over-doing it!

Building the lather using a combo of cream and soap on my face has greatly improved the quality of the shaves I'm getting and once again, owe that to all the good people here who share the information.

Discovering this brush works a little bit better than the other does, this little patch of stubble needs this angle of attack and all the other little things that greatly improve the shave, everyday! It's all the questions asked and answers provided that I just keep applying to my own face and damn, I'm getting good at this hobby! Just wanted to say thanks to everyone who contributes anything around here, none of the info goes to waste on me.

Now, if I could just ask the managers to please ban me from the mall forum because this BAD is going to ruin me, lol!
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