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Turkish coffee anyone?

Not so far, had it at a restaurant and also made my own from scratch (including roasting a specific blend) maybe one day.
I have a Briki but have not used it in a long time.... hummm yea I think it is on the radar..... :001_smile
I do. There's a wonderful Mediterranean restaurant near my house that serves excellent falafel and incredible Turkish coffee. I don't attempt it at home, strictly café Cubano there for me.

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
Turkish coffee has the coffee ground extremely fine and mixed directly into the water right?

Yes along with the sugar and usually a pinch of cardamom. Then heated until it foams a couple of times. Makes sort of a crema on top.
some great stuff on the market check the web, the greek and turkish coffees have a slight but noticeable difference, very easy to make and a great pick me up
I too have only had it out and would probably not attempt it at home. I like it if it's done well at a good Turkish restaurant though.
its really easy to make to be honest…
takes a bit of practice and then you'll find your rhythm
I've never had Turkish coffee, I feel kinda left out and also feeling the urge to jump in on it and give it a try after of course purchasing the stuff to make it with. SO...I take it this stuff is WORLDS away from my morning Folgers French roast ROFL!

Have had espresso and love it, I also love exploring cultures of the world and find some nice treats along the way. I find this extremely interesting, well worth trying I think.
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