I do. There's a wonderful Mediterranean restaurant near my house that serves excellent falafel and incredible Turkish coffee. I don't attempt it at home, strictly café Cubano there for me.
some great stuff on the market check the web, the greek and turkish coffees have a slight but noticeable difference, very easy to make and a great pick me up
Regarding grind, seasonings, and other options, scroll down to Helveticum's (several) posts in HOWTO Make Turkish Coffee. As Helveticum notes, the tutorial doesn't mention when to add the coffee. See his response. (The tutorial's fixed in the Shavewiki).
I've never had Turkish coffee, I feel kinda left out and also feeling the urge to jump in on it and give it a try after of course purchasing the stuff to make it with. SO...I take it this stuff is WORLDS away from my morning Folgers French roast ROFL!
Have had espresso and love it, I also love exploring cultures of the world and find some nice treats along the way. I find this extremely interesting, well worth trying I think.