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TTO Lubricant

I saw a few mentionings of penetrating mineral oil. Which product would be good for a razor? The only one I know is WD-40 which smells pretty bad.
I would recommend something that is "food grade".

I once put a drop of mineral oil (Ikea oil for cutting boards) in my Slim and it did make a difference but I do not think it is actually necessary.
I've used Norelco Razor Lubricant. It's intended for electric razor heads, but I spray it into the bottom of the handles and down through the hole in the center of the head, and adjuster dial with excellent results so far. Penetrates well and seems to evaporate to some extent. Eliminates squeaks and tightness immediately.
My Fatboy, as recieved, was a little stiff. I pulled it apart and it wasn't very dirty. I cleaned it up with some oxy clean (the powder stuff you put in your laundry). It is similar to the stuff you use to sanatize your equipment in home beer making. Let it soak for about 15 min. Atfer cleaning and drying I used a little Break Free CLP (Gun Oil) on a q-tip to put a little lubrication on the internals. Not sure if it will cause any problems, I just couldn't leave metal on metal moving parts dry.
Oxy clean reacts with metal and can cause corrosion. (Oxygen . . .)

Chris said it best . . . lubrication is not normally required.

WD-40 is also corrosive as a soak, and as mentioned above will gunk up as the solvent dries. It is great for penetrating and displacing water, but if you use it on a razor to loosen things up you need to follow that with a good hot water and dish soap soak to clean out the residue.

Mineral oil is safe to use, but not needed.
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