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TruTrainers vs. InsideRide eMotions?

Well.....What say you?

I'm being a little cryptic here. Be interesting to see who comes out of the woodwork. I figure that those who know what I'm talking about will have an opinion or some first hand knowledge of these things. Anyone?...:tongue_sm

Bicycle ROLLERS.... I know there are plenty of cyclists out there. Anyone have experience with these two kinds of rollers?
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OK, OK...All of these posts on bicycling, and no one has any experience with 2 of the ~top-of-the-line rollers out there on the market?

Bump. :001_rolle
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I can't use any of the indoor alternatives. I was out riding in the snow last year when it was 11 degrees. Likely, I'll be doing the same this year.

While not a roller, I was impressed with the Kurt Kinetic Road Machine. Wasn't for me, but a very high quality product nonetheless.
I can't use any of the indoor alternatives. I was out riding in the snow last year when it was 11 degrees. Likely, I'll be doing the same this year.....
I have no problem with riding at those temperatures, but I'm not interested in riding on 23s (or wider) in snow and black ice. Indoor training sucks, but it is just that: an alternative when no other suitable option exists.

I use the Kurt Kinetic Rock and Roll. I find trainers are better for intervals than rollers.
I've got a set of trainers and usually become braindead on them. I want to go back to rollers, and these newer ones appear to be head and shoulders better than standard issue - e.g., Kreitlers. Much more realistic road feel and resistance. No problem for standing climbs or interval work. I'm leaning toward the TruTrainers at this point.

Thanks for the tips.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
If you're cheap like me you can convert a set of kreitlers to freemotion.
^ Not sure I follow. Kreitlers are completely freemotion by my way of thinking. No resistance at all - just total free spin. What's your conversion?
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