So I have had this VDH deluxe set for 2 weeks now (the orange box). I keep having troubles with the brush. Maybe its the soap. I'm pretty sure its not me as I can make a nice slick lather. The problem lies in the fact that I can whip up a good lather but it is not a very cushy lather. I've tried about every combination of water to product and Its enough to put a thin slick layer on your face but that's it. If you try to scrub it lightly on your face the brush sucks it all up instead of applying it, I can squeeze a decent amountout of the brush, but can never get a decent amount on my face unless I paint it on there which usually gets excessive. I do have hard water, and have figured out some tricks to make it quite a bit better than it was before, but nowhere near what I'm seeing from youtube videos of people with hard water. I should hopefully today be receiving an escali badger brush and two other soaps to see if it will help. I will be posting up some reviews on the soaps If I can and hopefully the badger brush, even though it is a cheap one will help. I'm also still trying to figure out a way to get the smell out of the brush. It smells fine dry, but when you put it in water it still smells like sweaty boar. I've tried soaking it in water with vinegar, I've just done lathering with it for the heck of it, I've used it, and it still lingers through the soap and on the brush. I know that was random, as I said in my hall of fame post, I have a random thought train. But I think you get the general idea.