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trouble shaving upper lip


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
All is going very well in shave land except the ATG pass on my upper lip. I thought I had too great an angle, but that did not completely stop the tugging and razor burn. I tried some light buffing instead of the ATG pass, which did help some. I just ordered a Merkur Mergress razor and I hope some of you will offer suggestions for shaving my upper lip in terms of dialing in a milder setting, etc. (or any other suggestion).
My upper lip can't handle ATG. I make do with WTG/XTG and some light buffing but not too much. For me the irritation is not worth it. You are the only one who will know that you didn't do the ATG pass on your upper lip!
It's a tough spot and not everyone can do ATG there. I will on occasion if I want to spend more time shaving (don't we all). But you have to be real delicate or you'll feel a fair amount of irritation. For the most part you're probably better off just doing an XTG after WTG and calling it a wrap. Usually I just do some modified angles around the outside of my upper lip, just to clean it up around the edges.

Remember, part of being a DE shaver is learning what works for you and Your face.:wink2:
Is it a consensus? I was watching a "Geofatboy" video where he specifically talked about this and expressed he rarely does an ATG on his upper lip...just WTG/XTG/XTG.
My upper lip can't handle ATG. I make do with WTG/XTG and some light buffing but not too much. For me the irritation is not worth it. You are the only one who will know that you didn't do the ATG pass on your upper lip!

+1 It is a tough place for ATG. I also do a WTG and 2 XTG in different directions.
ATG works well with a Slim on 1-3. A setting of 1 or 2 is very safe and might not cause irritation. A Tech or Blue tip Superspeed could also work, but the Slim on low settings is the least aggressive of all. What have you been using for razor and blades? I don't have experience with the Progress, and don't know if it's as mild as a Slim. Can anyone provide an opinion?
I can go ATG on the upper lip but only when the blade is very sharp and new. I have better luck there with the Slim set on 9 than on 3. No pressure. Tiny short strokes. Basically an ATG buffing.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
This is incredibly helpful information and I will immediately stop torturing myself with that XTG upper lip pass. Many thanks. Is the general consensus with adjustable razors that (assuming you're going to adjust for different passes) you dial down to a milder setting for later passes?

Slash McCoy

I freehand dog rockets
I can go ATG on the upper lip with a straight, but I have a hard time doing that with a DE. I can do it but it is easier with a straight.

You must do a couple of passes before the ATG pass. Be sure to relather well. You got to stretch the upper lip downward really hard. Use your shaving face. Pressure dead light, angle dead shallow. Try also stretching the skin apart sideways, with your left thumb and forefinger, instead of pulling the nose up. When you pull the nose up, you make the septum more prominent and sometimes it takes a bad nick there. As the razor travels upward, the angle changes so you have to sort of roll the handle upward SLIGHTLY as the blade travels upward. Keep the shave angle barely steep enough to shave. Control the cut with the blade angle. If you got two good, close WTG passes and as much of an XTG as you can get, the ATG pass is much more do-able.
I can go ATG on the upper lip with a straight, but I have a hard time doing that with a DE. I can do it but it is easier with a straight.
I can only do this comfortably with a straight. And even then only on the third pass and very carefully. Unless I have lots of time and no distractions I don't bother. The consequences for screwing it up are uncomfortable.
I have such trouble shaving the upper lip I just decided to wear a moustache. The once every other week trimming is much easier than trying to shave that area. Of course my solution may not be for everyone. SWMBO happens to love my moustache.
I can't do ATG on my upper lip or my chin or sides of my mouth. No way, Jose. Not with a DE or even a cart. Especially not a straight. I sometimes do an XTG but even that is dangerous on my chin (not my upper lip, though). I can do XTG with a DE if I'm careful and use VERY light strokes. However, I do my own personal, but very good, imitation of a balloon with a finger poking it from behind (my tongue) when doing my upper and lower lips and it stretches the skin out and the whiskers pop out enough that I can get BBS but I have to do two or three passes WTG. I use a very sharp razor... as sharp as I can make it. A Feather is just about right but a .25 micron diamond stropped razor also works. Surprisingly, while I get a slight bit of burn, I usually am just fine an hour or so after the shave. I never have an overnight problem.
All is going very well in shave land except the ATG pass on my upper lip. I thought I had too great an angle, but that did not completely stop the tugging and razor burn. I tried some light buffing instead of the ATG pass, which did help some. I just ordered a Merkur Mergress razor and I hope some of you will offer suggestions for shaving my upper lip in terms of dialing in a milder setting, etc. (or any other suggestion).
OK. Here is what I do. 1st pass WTG. 2nd pass XTG. 3rd pass 45 degree combo ATG/XTG inverted V or obliques. Then, without a rinse, milk the brush of lather and apply with fingers to upper lip. I then buff the lower half of the upper lip ATG, rub on a little more lather and buff the upper half ATG. Very, Very lightly!

I have been wetshaving for 6 months and the upper lip was my problem area. I used to shave WTG and then usa a Fusion to make sure I got it real close. Now I do a WTG passs, then a pass from the outer part of th lip to the center under my nose, and for the third pass from the middle area above my mouth to the outer area of the lip. This method has given me the closest shave I have ewver had and allowed me to truly enjoy a BBS shave all around. Best of luck to you.
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