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Trouble lathering J.M. Fraser's

Newbie here and having some trouble lathering J.M. Fraser's. Let me preface this by saying that I absolutely love it... really like the scent and get a great shave with it, it just takes a really, really long time to lather. I thought I might have a bad batch so I checked in with the owner who very kindly sent me a new tub, but still having issues! I have had better luck bowl lathering than face lathering, and with a loooooot of effort I get a great lather, but I find I am mixing for five minutes at least.

Anyone else have this issue? I've tried a number of product-water ratios, but no real change.
I've been loading on the brush and bowl lathering. Best success has been with a roughly 30 seconds to load the brush and using roughly 1 tablespoon of water. I too have noticed that it has been taking a very long time to create something resembling a lather, yogurt like. I too had the bad batch tub that was not mixed long enough according to the owner and now have a tub from the replacement batch. This new tub is definitely working better than the first one I bought.

The following is a thread that is discussing the same thing.


I hope this helps.
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