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Troll Strategies

Burn them!!!


Oh wait... that's for Witches, not Trolls..
Ditto post #6. But what prompts the question? This board seems pretty free of trolls and spammers (no doubt thanks to excellent moderation).
I have never encountered one here and I did not mean to imply that I have. I am new and this is my first Forum experience. Building strategies ahead of time just in case.
They show up but they get taken care of rather quickly and get "das boot"

This place has the culture that it does because of a lot of behind the scenes work on the part of moderators. They aren't in it for the money, believe me.

This is a picture of the last guy that was THINKING of becoming a troll here and how the Moderators dealt with him:

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Thanks. I see a fine line between being provocatively clever and inappropriate. My personality and delivery may blur those boundaries at times. I don't want to be a troll.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Arguing with a troll is like wrestling with a pig in the mud. You get dirty and the pig likes it.

If you can keep three trolls arguing with each other until dawn, they turn to stone.

I have never encountered one here and I did not mean to imply that I have. I am new and this is my first Forum experience. Building strategies ahead of time just in case.

The first step is to Identify them. They're the one who posts, yet adds NOTHING to the post, but with the full intent to flame.

Then, the thing is how you choose to respond, but a troll wants you to respond, so they can spew some more.

So ultimately ignore is the best way, or just say,"GO AWAY TROLL!!".
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