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trip to UK/germ

hi people,

my friend will be going for a trip to germany and the UK in a few weeks..

was wondering if anyone had some recommendations for shaving creams/soaps/ aftershaves that can be bought there?

and also the estimated pricing on the items if possible??

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If you like shaving sticks definitely pick up a couple of the Palmolive ones. Most Tesco and Asda stores sell them for about 50p and the performance is brilliant.
Albion, motherland of legendary shaving products! Have a look at Taylor's, Trumper's, Truefitt and Hill, D.R. Harris, Penhaligon's, Floris...

And perhaps a couple of pints....:biggrin1:
Where in Germany?

Generally check out Müller, DM Drogeriemarkt, and Karstadt. Palmolive is super cheap, the soap stick goes for about 0.75€, the creams for a little more. Speick products, like soap, cream or asb are cheap too, but even a bit cheaper here in Austria. Weleda is also a brand to look out for. Wilkinson soap and cremes are widely available too. Same goes for Tabac products, and sometimes Alt Innsbruck.

Most knife/hardware stores carry some razors from Dovo/Solingen. Erbe Solingen is also available in some places. Müller usually carries the Wilkinson classic set for under 4€, blades are a bit hard to come by, but the M-Man DE blades that Müller sells are Israeli Personna blades.

Mühle products can also be found in various drugstores.
Ingram and Erasmic shaving creams. If you like P&G Old Spice but don't care for plastic bottles, it's still sold in the iconic shaped glass bottles here.

Try to visit a branch of Boots the chemist for shaving soap in stick and bowl form, plus Freshwood aftershave lotion and balm. Their own brand DE blades are pretty good too.
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Wanted to extend an early warm welcome to Blighty. If you're visiting London, you definitely need to have a stroll down St. James Street, where you'll find the 'old school' shops for DR Harris and Truefitt.

I hope this is allowed on here, but this link on another British shaving forum will give you an idea what the shops look like (much better in person if you ask me!): http://www.theshavingroom.co.uk/forum/thread-15157.html?highlight=Trumper+shop+London


make sure you pack a rain coat. if your going to london +1 st james street there is tobs ,geo f trumpers. bond street in london bond street barbers..
UK AS.....Brut in the glass bottle, M&S wood spice AS and AS balm. Old spice in the glass bottle as previous post, If you hit TK max you may find stuff from TOBs and pecksniffs real cheap.
I live in London so I'm a little spoiled for choice. You've got to visit the st James area for the three T's and DR Harris. But also if you get a chance pop into a lloyds pharmacy or any barber along the edgware rd (close to st james). Enjoy!
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